Chapter six

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As long as you love me, we could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke.

It’s been two days since Zayn last saw Harry. And he was actually hoping that his friend would appear so he could start interrogating him. The raven haired bloke has been worrying a lot since Harry left that very day without a word.

Fortunately, this seemed to be a favorable day for Zayn as he saw those mop of chocolate curls bouncing on his head at the very end of the hallway. Zayn wasted no time in approaching the lad and before he knew it, he was finally within his reach.

“Hey! You owe me some explanations bud. Where’d you go and why did you leave?” he tried to maintain the stern look he had on his face to convince Harry that leaving him without even bidding a goodbye was quite rude. “I thought you’re excited about going over at Ed’s?” he added.

“I... s-something, something c-came up. I’m sorry.” Harry was fast to reply, only that his voice wasn’t very credible enough for Zayn to believe. He knew when people were trying to lie over a matter. He really didn’t care because it was none of his business if the person chose to blabber falsehoods but when the deeds come from Harry, he couldn't help but to think Harry has doubts on him.

“Aren’t you bad at lying?” he sneered bitterly, crossing his arms against his chest. Well if that’s what Harry wanted him to believe then he has nothing to do about it, although it kind of upsets him.

“I’m sorry.” Harry answered briskly before plodding away from Zayn, leaving the lad in complete bewilderment.

Zayn attended his first A-level class which was applied mathematics. He fancied the subject but his current mood wouldn’t complement with his usual feeling. He had the class with Liam and he plainly saw how Zayn’s mood was swinging.

“Hey, stop the frowning you’re scaring the people around here.” Liam whispered trying hard not to get caught by the professor.

Zayn settled down for a while before turning his head to meet with Liam’s gaze. He witnessed how Liam’s eyes depicted complete confusion, well he has all the rights since Zayn’s sudden spleen came out of nowhere.

“Do you trust me Liam?” he doubted.

His confused friend gave him an ever more baffled expression seeing to it that Zayn wasn’t making any sense. Did he actually hit his head hard on something?

“Just answer me dammit.” he groaned impatiently.

“I do, now where did that come from?” Liam asked, creasing a single eyebrow to Zayn’s strangeness. If Niall were here, he was so sure he’d just laugh it off, resulting an endless reprimanding for the both of them, so Zayn was glad he didn't choose asking his Irish friend.

“What if we just met and became friends, I mean like just days ago, would you still trust me?” Zayn questioned once again but this time it had Liam thinking if his answer would possibly be still the same from the previous one. Zayn gave him a wary look, eagerly waiting for Liam's answer.

A Thousand Years - Zarry AUWhere stories live. Discover now