Chapter five - Mature (Rape)

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Warning: Mature content. You’ve been warned. ;)

It took two days before Harry could fully cope with the lads. He always knew all of them were nice just like what Zayn had told him whenever they get the chance to be alone. Harry’s just too shy to be himself in front of them. But now Zayn was happy that Harry was already laughing carelessly to Niall’s leprechaun jokes. Harry needed this in life, he needed friends, some company and a good laugh. Zayn gladly gave it to him because he knew Harry was better than being alone.

“Zayn, you okay?” Harry noticed how Zayn was staring off to space not even reacting to Niall’s puns. Harry was worried that Zayn might be regretting all the good deeds he had done for him, but the idea was promptly rid off right after Zayn flashed him a smile.

“Course I am! What makes you think I’m not?” Zayn queried still having that sexy smile plastered on his face. Sexy enough to make Harry’s cheeks burn into crimson. Zayn noticed how the younger lad reacted to him so he instantly relieved the smile.

“B-Because I’m h-here?” Harry stuttered. Zayn gave him a baffled look because he wouldn’t hate Harry for such trivial reasons. He simply shook his head telling the younger lad he doesn’t feel that way. Harry lightens up giving Zayn a genuine smile that he rarely shows to anyone. Harry’s smile was warm, it makes you feel that you are worth being a friend. Zayn couldn’t help but think of how attractive he looked whenever he smiles especially when those pair of dimples are visible on his cheeks. Harry simply looked beautiful.

But little did they know, while they were having such a nice chat which Harry was pretty much enjoying, some people were strictly watching their backs as if they were trying to kill them with their glares. They despised the scene, especially whenever Harry portrays such emotions. They hated it. He of all people hated it.

Time flew fast. Zayn and Harry actually had 3 classes together. Zayn wasn't really aware of it because Harry was always seated at the last row and never chose to talk or associate with the others. As the last class ended, Zayn asked Harry if he’d like to come with him at Ed's flat, at first he was shy for coming uninvited but Zayn reassured him that his ginger mate also asked him to come over. Harry's heart fluttered with joy as he immediately nodded his head in agreement.

“Where the hell are those two?” Niall and Liam were taking so long much to Zayn's impatience, Harry on the other hand remained calm still rejoicing for the fact that he was invited over a friend’s house.

“Wanna come with me to fetch the lads?” Zayn asked.

“Oh, I’m fine waiting here.” Harry thought of staying because he doesn’t want to slow him down. Plus he was also tired because his last subject was gym. Zayn had already went to get his two mates leaving Harry waiting at the lockers. Harry simply stood at the location while his back rested against the cold metals. He was gradually smiling at the ground that he didn’t even hear the footsteps  coming towards way.

“What’s up curls?” the voice suddenly came ringing through his ears. Harry felt terrified just by hearing their voices. He never wished to look up but Peyton Savage’s yelling did the trick. Harry saw how his eyes were fuming by his silent treatment towards them. He wanted to run but there was no way out and he knew they would easily catch on him, they’re jocks after all. They have the stamina while Harry has none.

A Thousand Years - Zarry AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt