Chapter three

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A/N: Dedicated to an awesome/clever reader~ Akshaya_1Dlover <3

It was already midnight and Zayn was driving his mates back to their flats. In the car ride the only noise one could perceive was Niall’s blabbering about all the hot guys he spotted inside the pub. Ed and Josh were already off to their dreamlands while Liam was sitting next to Zayn, still wide awake for not hitting the liquors that much.

Niall had opened the car window making Zayn grimace at his actions. The Irish drunkard popped his head outside feeling the cool midnight breeze. Liam grabbed a fistful of cloth behind Niall’s shirt and pulled him over so he was back to where he was seated.

“You crazy twat! Don’t do that again!” Liam snarled. It seems that he was angry but deep inside he had this little panic attack when he thought Niall was going to jump outside while the car was presently moving. Liam always hated it when Niall causes his apprehension. Zayn once again checked on his friends on the rear view mirror then gave Liam a knowing look.

“Let it pass Li, Niall’s drunk.” He pointed out after he saw his little Irish friend cuddling next to a slumbering Josh. Liam just shrugged it off realizing Zayn was right. The car ride was now silent, you could only make out the soft snores that the lads were making from the back. From the time that Zayn came back after that surprising encounter with Harry, he never once told his mates that nothing actually happened with the hooker they set up on him. Well he never had the chance to tell them anyway since three of his mates were already stoned. Liam just sat there frowning at the scene he was dealing with. Zayn alleged that Liam had already forgotten about his unique birthday present but the lad beside him suddenly began asking.

“You think I forgot to ask how the night went with you?” Liam started. Zayn wasn’t too sure if telling Liam would be the smartest step. Sure he always told his best friend the truth but this might better be kept off as a secret. Zayn quickly contemplated of what to word out so he could cover the incident with Harry.

“Erm... well... I-It was great! Well she’s smoking hot Li and yea... well she’s sexy and a great kisser.” Zayn babbled up some words that randomly came in his mind. He was quite stuttering which Liam observed. He eyed on Zayn intently, not really trusting his flimsy words.

“How’d she look like?” Liam queried keenly, raising an eyebrow as he was eager to know her features. This time Zayn had a hard time pondering of what he’ll come up next with her looks. But then he just unknowingly describes his imaginary lady hooker just for Liam to shut up.

“She’s gorgeous. She’s quite tall and has the most beautiful short curly locks. Her complexion is fair which you could easily observe her rose tainted cheeks. She has a pair of green enticing orbs and those plump red lips that I couldn’t separate mine with.” Zayn babbled as if he was recalling the passionate kiss he had with Harry. Not good, he was having a slight hard on again. Liam noticed the minor tension Zayn was having and supressed a laugh. He never knew Zayn would enjoy their present that much though he was really against it at first. But nevertheless Liam was happy that they made Zayn enjoy his 18th birthday. He reached for Zayn’s shoulder as he weightily tapped on it.

“It seems you really had fun, yea Zayn? Well happy birthday to you chum.” Liam greeted for the tenth time causing Zayn to huff as he never gets tired of congratulating his 18th year of existence. In the end, both the sane lads just had a great laugh.

A Thousand Years - Zarry AUWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu