Chapter 4

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        I walk back to the line to find Penny . The line keep getting longer and longer by the time that I got here .

       "Hey Penny ." I say with an unenergize voice . After meeting the biggest douche bag in the world , I feel my energy were being sucked out of my body .

       "Cathy , where've you been ?" she ask , worried . Where have I been ? Oh that's right , playing hide and seek between Tyler and his crazy fans . "Ladies room ." I lie and give her a smile . "For 45 minutes ?" she raises her eyebrows . "Well , I have a spicy burrito for breakfast . Guess that is why .." I tap my stomach a few time . "Ewww .." she looks me in disgust . I laugh at her reaction .

       Suddenly a deep voice echo through the mall . "Excuse me , sorry for the delay . We'll start the Tyler Owen fan signing event right now ." just after that announcement end , a guy enters the stage and walks to the table in the middle of the stage . Every girls go crazy , screaming and chanting the name of Tyler Owen .

      He stands in the middle of the stage . Waving his hand and shoot his smile and girls just goes nut . He wears a suit , tie-less . Seriously , this guy really has no sense in season . Before , he wears sweater and now a suit . Sure it looks very good on him but it looks suffocating . He has his hair combed back revealing his gorgeous face . His face is shining with flashes of cameras .

He sits down and the event begin .

       "Well , I'm gonna go now ." and I just walk away . Suddenly my hand being pull . Seriously , how many times that I have been pulled today ? "No , you can't go . You promised me that you'll accompany me ." says Penny . "Yeah . To the mall . And now we're here , my work is done." I say .

     "No , 'we' promised to accompany me to meet Tyler Owen , don't believe me , check chapter 1 . It's written there black and white . Come on , what if I faint or embarrass myself infront of him . You as my best friend has to help me get through this , stand by my side ." she's begging me with her puppy eyes . Uggghhh , my second regret for the day . "Fine .." I give up . She hugs me happily . I roll my eyes .

        After waiting for almost an hour , our turns are next . The black guy in suit with sunglasses -- probably the bodyguard -- gave us a signal to walk to the stage .

     "So what's your name ?" Tyler asks without even looking up . He's already busy signing . What a jerk .

     "Oh My God . I'm Penelope , I'm your biggest fans in the world , I even bought the watch that you modelled before , which got myself grounded by my mom . And my room is filled with your poster . I listened to your song all day long I even got the ----" my god , she needs to stop talking .

        He cuts her talk . Rude , but it save her from choking . "Here you go sweetie ." Finally he lifts his face and give a smile to Penny before he shift his eyes to me .

        "And what is your .." he stops his question after looking at my face . Looks like he still remember me .

         "We meet again ." he says and he keep staring at me .

     "Oh , I'm sorry . I'm not here for your stupid signature on a stupid piece of paper which has your stupid face in it ." I give him a smile . And turn around ready to walk .

       "Wait ." he stops me . His hand moves fast , scrabbling the paper . I frown . "Here is your stupid paper ." His voice is soft that only I can hear it . He says it with a smile . What a two-face he is . I roll my eyes , snatch the paper and walk down the stage .

      "What took you so long . Are just you talking to Tyler Owen ?" Penny ask as soon as I step down from the .

       "Yeah , isn't that what a good celebrity should do . Talk nicely to his fans . Come on , lets go home ." She laugh and jumping , hugging the signed paper .

I look at my paper that he gave me .

Dear Miss Donut ,
1 . Everyone likes me , I'm awesome :p
2 . I regret meeting you too .
Hope we will never meet again .
With hate , Tyler Owen .

I laugh , this guy is immature .

May we never meet again Tyler ..

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How you like it so far ? I have a lot of time cuz I'm on school holiday right now (Yeap !) So , I'm gonna write a lot . xoxo

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