Chapter 3

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I'm ru ning ... With with Tyler Ow Owen .

       Let me catch my breath first . But wait , I can't , because I'm still running .

I stumble on my feet a few time trying to keep up with his pace , and his hand keep me from falling . His hand is holding my hand . And now we are running away , holding hands like a runaway bride .

        I turn my head trying to see what are we running for . And behind me , a million -- I'm exaggerating , it's probably around 289 screaming girls running behind us . They all screaming his name . Are they all crazy ? And why the hell I'm drag into this ?

         "Dude , s- slow down .." I manage to say it under my breath , I don't know if he hears me with all of the other crazy girls screaming noise . And I just realise something , I'm unfit . We only been running for two minutes and my breath is already uneven . Well , sport isn't always my type .

        His grip on my hand tighter . He turns his head a few time trying to search for something . He grits his teeth . His brown hair is swaying as he runs . He still has his cap on but not his hoodie , probably fell as he run .

        While I'm still in my thought , my hand are being pull to a side . I yelp a little .

         And now here we are , face to face in the small alley in between the shops . All the crazy girls pass just beside us and keep running straight , didn't notice that we're in the alley . Stupid girls . I let out a sigh of relief .

       I turn my face to the front , and I just realise how close Tyler and I are . The alley is small , very small and it fit the two of us exactly . I could feel his breath on my neck . His green eyes meet my eyes . Suddenly there's an awkward silence between us .

       I turn my head , it was awkward meeting eyes with this dude . I start walking along the alley to the end . The end of the alley is quite big compare to the place that we stand before .

       "We should stay here for a while incase there is still a few fans lingering outside ." he speaks breaking the silence . I massage my cramped leg , cuz of the sudden running game . He remains standing  , in front of me .

       "Why the hell that you dragged me into this ?" I ask in frustration. He's the reason my legs hurt right now . I shoot him a glare .

He scratchs his chin . "Sorry , just a reflex ." he says and shrugs his shoulders . Wow , how easy is his answer . Just a reflex ? Even my 3 years old niece will has a better answer this guy just gave .

       "Excuse me ? You make me ran a lap around this big mall , chased by millions of your crazy fans and you make me left my delicious donuts which I already pay , alone in the counter right now . And you just call it reflex ? Uggghhh , give me a break ." I say in the frustration .. I run my fingers through my hairs . My hair is a mess .

         He raise his eyebrows . "Hello , you're the one who started this mess . If you didn't say my name aloud back there , they wouldn't have know that it was me , Tyler Owen ." he says in a cocky way .

        He take  off his cap revealing his face , the face that I always saw when I'm at Penny's room . His hair is a little mess and yet , still look good on him . His forehead has a few drops of sweat . He looks sexy . Wait ... What ?

         I shake my head from that thought . I stand up . "Are you seriously turning this up on me ? For god sake , who still wear sweater with a hoodie on and a cap in this hottest season of all . The reason that you got caught is because of your style of clothing not me . And here I thought that celebrities are suppose to be stylish . But I guess you're an exception . " I mock him and imitate his cocky smile . He looks insulted and shock by my words .

        "I wear this as a disguised . I'm Tyler Owen , the most famous international singer . If people saw me they will go crazy , look at what just happened . You're an ordinary girl , you won't know how I feel ." he shake his head . I can't believe what he just say . My eyes are burning with rage . I step closer to him .

        "I'm sorry , but this 'ordinary girl' is the one who you just force to go for a marathon around the mall . And honey , you think that everyone like you and dying to meet you . Well , it's not . Because I don't like you , I HATE you and you make me regret to ever met you . Goodbye , Tyler Owen ." our face are inches away . His glare meet my glare . I step back and turn around and start to leave this alley . I can't stand being around the self-absurd bastard .

        I gave him a final glace . He's still standing straight , not moving . He looks stun by what I just said .

       "Oh and you're right .. I don't know how you feel and I don't intend to ."

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