" But my gazes are more meaningful than my words...I couldn't come near you.. Whenever, I tried to approach you, my brain stopped me ... because I thought you liked Suho ...", said Sehun.

" .. To be honest, I really liked Suho..", said Sulli sincerely.

" What?!", asked Sehun almost shouting.

" .. At that time, most of the girls fell for him since he was the kingka of our school.. I was one of that girls..", said Sulli.

" So why didn't you refuse my gazes and accept them? .. Did you play with my heart?", asked Sehun annoyingly.

" .. You're so dumb... If I played with your heart, why am I being with you now? .. Sehun.. I just liked him .. But for you, .. I love .... I love you..", said Sulli and rested her head on his shoulders. Because of her answer, Sehun smiled widely but she didn't see his wide smile. Sehun hugged her shoulder to keep this position while walking.

While Sehun and Sulli was watching the movie, they had popcorn and cola. When Sehun grabbed the popcorn, he found there was empty. So he turned to look at Sulli who was enjoying the movie silently.

" Sulli. .. Give me some popcorn..", Sehun requested like a kid.

" No. Do yourself..", said Sulli without looking away from the TV screen.

" Please~~~", Sehun whined.

" I'm watching TV~~~", Sulli whined like him.

" .. Ok... If I can't whine you, I still have another way .. I'll count 1 to 3 . If you won't do it, don't blame me .. ... 1 ...... 2 ...... 3 ..", but Sulli didn't budge even a bit and kept her eyes on the TV.

" Ok, .. so..", then Sehun hugged her waist and started tickling her.

" Stop .. S.. Stop .. Sehun.. Ha.. St ..", said Sulii laughing.

Sulli tried to escape from his tease while closing her eyes tightly. When she opened her eyes, their movements stopped suddenly since their faces were too close. They could feel each other's breath.

After a while, they stared at each other, Sehun leaned closer to her and kissed her lips. Sulli closed her eyes and responsed his kiss.

Although their kiss was a gentle one at first, the kiss became more passionate slowly. Sehun laid her down on the couch without parting thier lips. Sehun was already on top of her. Because of their movements, the cola and the empty bowl of popcorn dropped on the floor. But they didn't break their lips.

When Sehun bit her lower lip, Sulli closed her eyes more tight and clenched her hands. Suddenly, Sehun stopped kissing since he saw Sulli's uneasy expression. Sulli opened her eyes slowly after getting a kiss on her eyelid.

" ..Don't worry ... I won't touch you before we get married..", said Sehun and tucked her hair behind her ears.

Then they fixed their positions and picked up the things which were scattered on the floor because of their kiss. Sehun took the bowl and went to the kitchen to take popcorn.

While he was putting some into the bowl, he felt a pair of arms wrapping around his waist from back. He smiled faintly since he knew it was his lovingly girl.

" Thanks.. for appreciating the ruined girl like me.. I'll try to be ready when we'll get married..", said Sulli leaning her head on his back.

Sulli left the house alone to the place where Krystal said, a private swimming pool. She saw Krystal standing beside the pool as soon as she entered there.

" Why do you want to meet me?", asked Sulli firmly.

" You got really changed .. even your voice .. How can you accept .. that ring in front of me..? .. You don't deserve it..", said Krystal.

" It's my privacy.. I have my own right to accept it ..", said Sulli that made Krystal more irritated.

She glared at Sulli with the firey eyes and then to her finger, her ring finger. Krystal grabbed her hand and took off the ring harshly. Within a blink, she threw it in the pool.

" Krys, what are you doing?!", asked Sulli and then she took off her coat suddenly. Unexpectedly, Sulli threw herself into the pool with the unusual mind that made Krystal dumbfound.

" Sulli!", Krystal felt her breathe halted as soon as she heard that voice, Sehun's voice. Actually, Sehun stalked Sulli since he didn't believe the two girls.

" ... She .. She can't .. swim..", Krystal told Sehun with her shaking voice.

:) :-D O:-) B-) :-* :-P ;-) :-)

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