Friendship is OVER

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At the course, Sohyun tried to test Taemin's feelings about Sulli.

"Taemin... Do you like someone?", asked Sohyun. But Taemin got surprised at her sudden question and remained silent.

"Is it Naeun, right?", asked Sulli to the silent Taemin. But they still received no response from him.

"Taemin.", Sohyun became unpatient.

"... No... It's not her anymore..", finally Taemin could open his mouth.

"So, who is she?", asked Sohyun who already noticed that who she is.

"Someone.", said Taemin.

"Who is someone?", Sohyun couldn't hide her curiosity any longer.

"Why don't you like Naeun anymore?", asked Sulli who interpreted the conversion between her two bestfriends.

" Hmm... I think I'm not suitable with the high class girl like her.. And I found another girl who is perfect for me..", said Taemin.

"You know you're bad. First, you don't love Naeun faithfully. Second, that girl is replaced in the place of Naeun.", said Sulli.

Taemin just remained silent. An awkward atmosphere covered between the bestfriends after hearing the mature words of Sulli. But Sohyun didn't want to be in this condition. So she tried to lighten the atmosphere.

"Is she in our class?", asked Sohyun.

Taemin glanced at Sulli who was not interested for his answer, then he answered, "Yes...".

"Please tell me who it is. We're your friends, right? So please let us know her name? We can promise that we won't tell anyone about it.", said Sohyun with the pleasing tone.

" Give me your book, Sulli.", said Taemin holding out his hand towards Sulli.

"Mine?", asked Sulli confusedly.

"Yes.. I'll write her name in your book..", then Sulli handed her book to Taemin with no hesitation.

Sulli and Sohyun noticed that Taemin was taking more time to write a simple name. As soon as he had written, he gave the book back to Sulli.

"Don't open it now. Open when you arrive home.", Taemin said to Sulli who was about to open the book.

"So how about me? How can I know??", asked Sohyun with annoying voice.

"You can ask her tomorrow at school.", said Taemin smiling.

After the course had finished, Taemin was preparing to go back home. But before he went back home,

"Promise me to open it only when you'll at home.", said Taemin.

"Ok.. I promise...", said Sulli while they were promising with their little fingers.

"Bye..", Taemin said ruffling Sulli's hair.

Yeah.. He always does that before he goes back home. But no one could know that this was the last time for two bestfriends. After Taemin had left, Sohyun approached Sulli.

"This girl must be you.", said Sohyun who was so sure about her guesswork.

"No, it will never be me.", said Sulli who didn't want to believe her friend's guesswork.

"So why does he want you to know first?", Sohyun seemed not giving up.

"It's just because I'm his friend..", said Sulli with no excitment.

"So what about me? I'm his friend too.", Soyun whined like a kid.

"Stop.. Sohyun.. You'll know either tomorrow.", Sulli couldn't stand her friend's annoying sound.

When Sulli arrived home, she had her dinner with her mom. Then she started studying and totally forgot about Taemin's answer in her book. But before she went to bed, she remembered that. So she opened the book and started finding the name. But the one she found out was not a name but a note.

' Look at yourself in the mirror. The reflection which appears in the mirror is the girl I love...'

Sulli wanted to grip as soon as she had read that note.

'I am an easy type girl?? I am a random girl whom every boy can play with me?? First, Kim Suho, who had destroyed my peaceful image.... Second, Oh Sehun , who always considers me as a doll that he can look all the time.... And now, Lee Taemin, who replaced me in the place of another girl... Lee Taemin... You're the worst... You made me disappointed.... You destroyed my trust on you...'

As soon as Sohyun reached the school, she ran towards Sulli's seat.

"Who is the girl??", asked Sohyun curiously. But Sulli didn't answer her question and just gave her the book. After Sohyun had read the words of Taemin, she grinned widely.

"See? What did I say?? This is you.. I already knew that... Why didn't you believe me? Ahh... I can be a philosopher in the future, right?", said Sohyun proudly for herself.

But Sulli just shut her mouth and looked at the outside. In her mind, she blamed herself for asking the name of that girl.

"So what will happen between you two??", asked Sohyun.

"As I said, I'll do it.", said Sulli without looking at her.

"What did you say?? ... Oh.. You said if it happens, your friendship is...", Sohyun stopped as she saw Taemin who entered the class.

"OVER.", Sulli ended her sentence.

Since that day, Sulli didn't talk to Taemin. The news that Taemin likes Sulli was spread around. Almost all students know about that, including Oh Sehun.

'Oh Sehun is more crowadly than the stupid Lee Taemin..'

Sulli couldn't find the answer why Sehun always be like that.

At the summer holiday, Sulli attended a Math class for her highschool first year. Sohyun attends with her either.

One day, before the class started, the teacher introduced them with a new student. Sulli didn't pay attention at all who it is. She just looked down and stared at her book. But as soon as she heard the name of the student, she looked at him quickly. When their eyes met, Sulli got dumbfound suddenly with her wide eyes.

It was ...Oh Sehun.... She didn't expect that she would meet him again after their middle school had ended.

But in real, she couldn't forget him until now. She always daydreamed about him all the time. The moments of their gazes echoed in her mind. Even when she cried because of her family, she could smile as she thinks about him. She felt really happy at that time. Although she considered that Oh Sehun just played with her eyes, she felt happy because she can meet him and his eyes....

:) :-D O:-) B-) :-P ;-) :-)

Hello readers!!!

What do you think about Sulli's feelings??? Can she love the guy like Oh Sehun????

Please give me some votes and comments for your opinions☆☆☆

Nomu saranghammida!!!♡♡♡:-*

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