chapter 28 • surprise

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Jessy's POV:

Today is the day. I'm sitting in Luke's bedroom with Ashton, nervously awaiting for Luke to return from the court hearing. Luke didn't want to leave me home alone so Ashton volunteer to hang out with me for the day. Ashton has become almost like a big brother to me, in fact those three boys have become my big brothers. They're so sweet and funny, always making me feel better.

"So...are we going to just sit here all day or are we going to do something fun?" Ashton asks as I sit on Luke's bed picking at the fluff on the sheets.

I shrug in reply, not really sure what I want to do.

"How about we play cards against humanity? Luke has that game doesn't he?" Ashton questions.

"Yeah he does, it's in the bottom of his cupboard." I reply as Ashton stands up and digs around in Luke's cupboard trying to find the black box.

He deals us both a small pile of white cards before looking through his own.

"What am I giving up for Lent?" Ashton speaks.

"Alright.. I pick." He says finally picking a card.

"My soul." He adds with a giggle.

He looks up from his cards and notices that I haven't yet turned my cards over to read them.

"We don't have to play this game if you don't wanna." He sweetly says me.

"No I want to play it." I answer as I look through my cards.

"Okay. I'm giving up Nickelback for Lent." I speak as I place the Nickelback card down making Ashton laugh.

"That's a good one." He laughs before picking another black card.

"Instead of coal, Santa now gives bad children." He speaks as I look through my cards.

"Land mines." I say, placing my card down as a grin grows in my face.

"I pick Porn stars." Ashton tells me throwing down his card proudly.

"I'll pick one this time." I speak as I choose a black card.

"So this one is: Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's."

A huge smirk grows in his face before he speaks.

"Maybe she's born with it maybe it's nipple blades." He announces proudly causing me to laugh uncontrollably.

As we both burst into laughter I look over at the bedroom door and notice Luke standing there with a smile on is face, looking at me in awe.

I instantly stop laughing and look up at Luke, Ashton notices Luke standing there too.

"How'd it go man?" Ashton asks.

"Good.. Really good actually, they dropped the charges thankfully." Luke tells us making me smile with relief.

"That's so good." Ashton speaks up as he gets up at walks over to Luke, shaking his hand and ruffling his hair before walking out of the room.

"W-was Ryan there? Did you see him?" I nervously ask Luke.

"Yeah I did, but let's not talk about that." He answers me walking over to the bed where I'm sitting.

"It's good to see you smiling." He adds as he wraps his arms around me.

"It's the first time I've seen you smile in a while too." I point out.

"That's because when you're happy, I'm happy." He tells me as he holds our hands up together, comparing the size difference before linking them together.

Shadows in a Window // Luke HemmingsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz