chapter 6 • help

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I may have written majority of this chapter slightly drunk but oh well.... 😜



After practically carrying Ryan upstairs to bed and tucking him in I have a shower and washed off my makeup. I slip out of my dress and into some comfy pyjamas before climbing back into bed with Ryan. I can smell the booze oozing from his skin and it makes me feel sick so I roll over and face the other side. I put my phone on charge and go to check my messages but I'm surprised when I open it up to find the contacts list opened and sure enough the most recent contact to be added is Luke's. A small sigh escapes my lips and I don't know whether to delete it or not. I want to keep it but if Ryan finds out I have Luke's number I can only imagine what he will do.

"Turn your phone off. It's too bright." I hear Ryan groan rudely so I quickly lock my phone and apologise to him.


That morning I wake up to find an empty house, no Ryan. Which is weird because he didn't drag me out of bed to make him breakfast.

I walk down stairs and into the kitchen to find a note he left me.

"Had to leave for work early. Be home @ 5pm. Make me homemade laganga, none of that bought shit."

I sigh as I search through the cupboards to find some ingredients for Ryan's dinner request but stumble upon nothing useful. So I decide to have a quick shower and head to the shopping mall to buy the ingredients I need to make lasagna.


Walking through the mall I can't help but feel out of place. I see all these beautiful girls walking around in their designer cloths, hair and makeup that's been done by a professional... And then there's me. Dressed in my black skinny jeans, my black vans and an oversized grey hoodie that is possibly the least flattering item of clothing to ever exist. I'll never be as pretty as them.

I reach the grocery store, grab a shopping basket and walk in. I start at the frozen meats section, trying to find some mince but as I find it and go to turn around I almost run straight into someone.

"I'm so sorry." I jump as I quickly move out of their way so I don't bump into them.

"It's fine Jessy." I hear the person reply.

I jump at the sound of my name being called and look up onto to see those familiar blue eyes.

"Luke." I practically sigh.

"Did I do something last night to freak you out? Because if I did I'm really sorry I just didn't know you had a boyfriend." He stumbles out rather quickly.

"Oh, no you didn't freak me out. I just had to go and I um I have to go now." I answer him before turning on my heals but I'm surprised when he grabs a hold of my shoulder and spins me back around to face him.

"Is everything ok Jessy? You seem worried about something." He asks me in a serious tone.

"Just leave me alone please Luke." I manage to get out before setting a fast pace away from him and towards the other ingredients I need.

I feel so bad for just running away from him but I'm so paranoid of one of Ryan's friends seeing me with Luke and then spinning this crazy story to Ryan. I keep my head down and quickly find all the ingredients I need for dinner before paying for them and leaving for home.

Once I get home I start making the lasagna and get things cleaned up for when Ryan comes back home. He hates the house being a mess and every time he complains about mess I feel like telling him that he's the only one who throws beer bottles and empty packets on the ground. But I refrain every time because I know it will only end up in me getting hurt.

"He doesn't work behind the bar!" Ryan's voice booms through the house making me jump out of my thoughts.

"W-what a-are you talking about?" I question him as his solid figure appears in the doorway.

"I said he doesn't work behind the fucking bar Jessy! You lied to me!" He screams across the room at me.

"You lied to me Jessy. You lied. He plays in that shitty band he's not a bartender. Why did you lie?" He asks he as he walks over to me and stands over to top of me to intimidate me.

"You seemed to enjoy the band last night." I speak up before instantly regretting it.

"You think you're funny don't ya?" He asks me as his face rages with anger.

"No." I answer him.

I know Ryan hates it when I stand up to him and try to challenge him so I try my best to stay silent but I struggle.

"Why didn't you tell me he was in the band Jessy?" Ryan asks with an expression on his face that looks like he's about to lash out at me any moment.

"Because I knew this is how you'd react." I reply in an almost whisper.

"How else do you expect me to react? Guys in bands only have one thing on their mind. Girls and how many they can get with per show." Ryan tells me and as much as I think about what he just said Luke doesn't seem like that kind of guy.

"H-he wasn't trying to get with me Ryan, we're just friends." I nervously tell him as I try to hide my shaking voice.

"That's bullshit. Just friends, whatever Jessy. I'm over you strutting around like some slut, thinking you're the hottest piece of meat in the world. You aren't hot Jessy. And you will never be. You're a fucking cow." Ryan yells in my face as he takes a step towards me, his face is inches away from mine and his eyes are raging.

"We are just friends... I promise." I whisper as tears start slipping down my face.

"You're pathetic." He answers me before slamming his hand down hard on my cheek.

My body starts shaking violently as I brace myself for the next 30 minutes of torture. I'm knocked to the ground almost instantly and that's where I stay. Curled up in a ball, protecting my stomach and face as Ryan releases his anger on me. I try to take my mind off what's happening but I'm brought back to reality every time his hits me. I notice a small trickle of blood run down my nose and land on the white tiles next to me before his fist strikes again. This time in my stomach, winding me as I fight to hold my breath. My vision becomes blurry and my heart races in my chest as everything around me blurs together.


I gasp for air as my eyes shoot open and I bolt up into a sitting position. My head is thumping and to my surprise the room is empty. The house is strangely silent but as I try to stand myself up to go in search for Ryan I'm quickly brought back to the ground with a thump.

"Ryan!" I try to call his name but it turns into more of a broken whisper.

"Ryan!" I call again but it's useless, I'm too weak.

I slowly reach up for the kitchen bench and drag my body into a standing up position. My legs shake under me and my head spins in circles making me feel like I'm about to vomit.

I take a few steps towards the lounge room but have to stop and lean against the wall so I don't fall down. The darkness of the house only makes me more frightful as I go in search for Ryan, afraid that he might jump out of the darkness and knock me back to the ground. But he doesn't. After what feels like forever I manage to climb up the stairs and into our bedroom. I collapse at the top of the stairs as I realise that the house is empty. Ryan is gone and now I have nobody here to help me.

Tears start pouring down my face as the pain sets in. Afraid and alone I manage to reach for my phone and dial the one of only numbers I have, praying that he will answer.

Shadows in a Window // Luke HemmingsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin