chapter 15 • questioning

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"Mum bought you some cloths to wear home." Luke says sweetly as he places a pile of folded cloths next to me.

"Home?" I question.

"Well to my home." He corrects himself.

"I'll let you get changed, the doctors said you can leave shortly." He adds as he leaves the room to join his Mum in the waiting room.

I pull the hospital gown off my body and quickly pull on the jumper and baggy tracksuit pants Luke left for me. I can tell they're he's cloths just from their smell.

"Alright, you ready to get out of here?" Luke asks as he walks back into the room.

"More than ready." I confirm.

"Let's go then." He says with a smile.

"Can you give me some help?" I ask hesitantly as my body still feels a little weak.

"Yeah, of course." He answers, quickly rushing to my side to steady me and bare some of the weight.

We walk into the corridor as I watch Luke smile over at a lady sitting down in the waiting room. I assume it's his Mum as she smiles back.

"You must be Jessy." She says sweetly as I just nod.

"I'm Liz, Luke's Mum." She adds.

"Let's go hey?" Luke suggests as he breaks the awkward silence.

As we head towards the doors we're stopped by a nurse.

"Excuse me Miss but before you leave we would like to ask you a few questions." She kindly speaks.

I turn around to find the nurse and a police woman walking towards me.

"Ok." I answer nervously.

"Take a seat." The nurse tells me as I do exactly that and she pulls another chair opposite to where I'm sitting.

She looks up at Luke and Liz as if to tell them to leave.

They both start to walk away but I grab a hold of Luke's wrist.

"Please stay."

Liz pauses and looks back at me before realising that I only want Luke to stay behind. It's not because I don't like her, it's because I don't know her and I just want some familiarity around me.

"I'll meet you both in the car." Liz smiles before heading outside.

Luke takes a seat next to me as the police women opens up a clip board with pen and paper inside.

"I'm constable Nancy and I'm hear to ask you a few questions about the events of yesterday." She tells me as I nod.

"How much do you remember from last night?" She questions.

"Little bits." I reply.

"What acquaintance is Ryan Hastings to you?"

"He's my boyfriend." I answer as I feel Luke tense up next to me at my response.

"Has he ever displayed aggressive behaviour prior to this incident?"

I nod and softy speak "yes".

"Has he ever been aggressive towards you?" She questions as I feel my eyes start to water.

"Jessy...has he ever been aggressive towards you?" She repeats after I don't answer the first time.

"Yes." I practically whisper as she scribbles down notes frantically.

"Has Ryan Hastings ever hit or physically hurt you?" She asks as I just nod.

"Jessy you need to answer yes or no. You cannot nod." She tells me as Luke lightly squeezes my arm, letting me know he's still there and it's ok to answer her.

"Yes he has." I finally answer her question.

"Did Ryan Hastings sexually assault you on the night of the incident?" She asks as I freeze and it all becomes too much.

"I don't remember much." I lie.

"But could it be a possibility as you were found naked on the bathroom." She questions.

"I-I was going to take a shower but I fell over..." I lie again.

"And that's when you called Luke?"

"Yes." I reply.

"Has Ryan Hastings sexually assaulted you prior to the incident?" She asks me as I start to panic.

"I've had enough."

"You've done really well so far, only a few more questions I promise." She tries to encourage me to continue.

"No. I've had enough. I don't want to do this anymore." I tell her becoming anxious.

"Just a few more questions." She insists.

"No." I shake my head.

"Can we please go?" I ask Luke as I look up at him with teary eyes.

"Can she possibly go into the police station in a few days a finish the questions? Her mind will be a lot clearer in a few days then it is now too." Luke asks the constable.

"Are you sure you can't answer these last few questions Jessy?" She kindly asks as I shake my head and try to keep my emotions from boiling over.

"Ok, well make sure you come down to the station as soon as you can."

"And remember, we are just trying to help you." She adds before I stand up and practically bolt for the door.

"Jessy slow down, you're still weak you can't walk too fast." Luke calls as he quickly catches up to me and goes to hold my arm to support me.

"Just be carefully Jessy." He tells me.

I notice Liz sitting in the drivers seat of a car so I walk towards it. I sniffle and dry my tears as I try to control my sobs.

"Please don't cry Jessy. It's ok now." Luke says.

"It's not ok." I sob as I finally break.

"Hey, hey." Luke speaks softly as he tries to hush me.

He pulls me into a warm hug as I close my eyes just wanting to open them and have everything bad be gone. But it doesn't work. So I hug him back tightly, hoping that it will ease some pain.

Shadows in a Window // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now