chapter 5 • bar

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Hey all you beautiful people! I'd just like to say a big thank you to each of you for reading this fanfic & please remember to keep voting/commenting and telling all you're friends about it because it really helps! Love you


"Jessy babe! I'm home!" I hear Ryan call as the front door swings open.

I instantly grow excited as I run downstairs to greet my boyfriend after his long day at work. He's standing at the front door holding a bunch of roses with a beautiful smile on his face. He embraces me in a tight hug, one that I haven't had in a long time.

"Woah." He gasps as he looks down at what I'm wearing.

"Do you like it?" I ask him as I also look down at the navy dress I'm wearing that hangs just below my thighs.

"I love it." He answers with wide eyes.

"You ready to leave?" He adds as I simply nod and step out into the cool night air.


We arrive at the bar, arm in arm and walk towards the back of it to meet up with Ryan's friends. They're all crowded around a small table with their blonde bimbo girlfriends in one hand and a cigarette in the other. The stench of the cigarettes makes me feel sick but I'm thankful when Ryan finally pulls me away.

"I think the bands about to start up. Wanna go dance?" He asks which yet again shocks me.

Ryan was always one of those guys who stood at the back of the room and watched while all the girls danced but not tonight. He confidently leads me into the crowd of people and we look up at the stage as four heads appear.

"Hi, we're Five Seconds of Summer!" I hear one of them yell as he runs his hands through his purple hair.

"And this is Out of My Limit." Their drummer cheers.

That's when I see him. The boy from Starbucks. He takes his place centre stage and my body freezes as he starts to sing. Before I know it I get pushed to the back of the crowd by all the screaming girls trying to push their way to the front row.

"Are you ok babe? I lost you in the crowd." Ryan says as he finally manages to push his way out of the crowd and take a seat next to me.

"I'm just feeling a little lightheaded from being pushed around." I tell him.

"Can I get you anything?" He asks sweetly as I just shake my head.

"I'll be right, I think I'll just go outside and get some air. You go back to your friends." I reply with a smile.

"Ok, well come and get me if you need anything." He lets me know with a gentle smile before he disappears again in the crowd.

I stand up and make my way outside, onto the patio. I take a seat in the corner on a wooden bench and lean my back against the wall and close my eyes as I listen to Luke and his band preform. As the music finally dies down everyone starts to leave and the bar quickly empties except for a few people packing up, Ryan and all his rowdy friends.

"Fancy seeing you here." A familiar voice calls making me jump.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He adds as he sits down beside me.

"Hey Luke." I almost whisper, unsure of what else to say.

"Hi Jessy." He replies with a crooked smile.

"Your band is really good." I randomly add awkwardly.

"Thanks." He says proud.

A shiver runs down my spine as the cold night air hits my body.

"You cold? Here have my jacket." Luke insists as he takes his jacket off and offers it to me.

"I'm fine." I lie to him.

"You're shaking. Please take it." He insists but I just shake me head.

He goes to wrap his jumper around my shoulders but I push it away, afraid that Ryan will see me wearing another guys jacket.

"I said no." I snap as I watch a shocked look appear on his face.

"I-I'm sorry." He stutters and I can tell he's feeling like a fool.

"Thank you for offering though." I add trying to make him feel a little better.

He simply nods at me, unsure of how to react. We both fall silent for a while and I stare out into the night air feeling terrible for how I just treated him.

"Jessy!" I hear my name being called in the distance.

"I've got to go." I turn to Luke as I realise exactly who is calling me.

"What, why?" He asks confused.

"Sorry." I apologise before disappearing back into the bar and going to find Ryan before he finds me talking to Luke.

"Where the hell have you been?" I hear Ryan slur as he drapes his arm over my shoulders and uses me to steady his drunken self.

"How many beers have you had?" I ask him as I look up into his bloodshot eyes.

"Only a few babe. Promise." He replies as he stumbles a little.

"Let's go home." I suggests as he just nods.

We walk down the stairs of the bar and out onto the empty street. Just as we're about to cross the road to our car we're stopped.

"Jessy!" I hear Luke's voice call as I curse to myself.

"Jessy, wait up! You forgot your phone!" He calls again as I let a groan escape my lips and brace myself for Ryan's reaction.

"Thanks." I answer him flatly as I take it off him and turn to walk away before anything else is said.

"Who are you?" Ryan slurs at Luke as he swings his body back around to meet Luke.

"I'm Luke, and you are?" Luke replies as he holds his hand out for Ryan to shake it.

"I'm Jessy's boyfriend. Now fuck off." Ryan answers him as he looks down at Luke's hand and let's out a mocking laugh.

Luke stands there shocked. Unsure of what to do or say.

"How does he know you?" Ryan asks me as we turn and walk to the car.

"He was working behind the bar. He took my drink order." I reply to Ryan trying to make up a convincing cover story so he won't find out that I met Luke at Starbucks and that he bought me a drink.

"How does he know your name?" Ryan questions me again as I glance back at Luke who's standing with a confused look on his face, obviously listening to our conversation.

"He must've heard you say it on our way out." I tell Ryan as we reach our car.

Ryan's too drunk to think up a response, instead he just lays down across the back seats of our car and starts snoring. I climb into the front seat of the car and start the engine before reversing out onto the main road and heading back home.

Shadows in a Window // Luke HemmingsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin