chapter 12 • phone-call

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Tonight is a night no different from any other. It's almost 10pm when Ryan stumbles through the front door...drunk. I listen to his drunken slander from downstairs as he mumbles to himself and heads into the kitchen. I let out a sigh as I hear him open the fridge, the clinking of bottles only tells me one thing, he still drinking.

I grab my phone and head towards the bathroom as I dial Luke's number.

"Jessy?." I hear Luke answer as I let a small smile spread across my lips.

"Hey...can you hold on a second please?" I whisper to him as I scurry through the house as quietly as I can.

I manage to make it to the bathroom and successfully lock the door behind me.

"You there?" I ask picking the phone back up.

"Yeah. What happened?" He questions.

"I had to lock myself in the bathroom so Ryan doesn't hear me talking to you." I tell Luke as I turn on the shower to drown out my talking.

"What is he doing? Are you alright?" He asks panicked.

"Luke I'm fine. He just thinks I'm having a shower." I answer him.

"He's drunk." I sigh into the phone.

"Jessy you have to get out of that place." He tells me.

"That's easier said than done Luke." I snap at him.

"It's not safe for you there, you have to leave." He says.

"I can't ok."

"And why's that?" He asks me getting frustrated.

"Because I'm scared Luke. I'm scared of what he will do if I leave him." I tell him as I become upset.

"I will keep you safe and we can call the police, tell them about it all and get a restraining order." He replies.

"A piece of paper isn't going to stop him."

"Look Jessy I'm sorry ok. I'm sorry for making you upset. I just want you to be safe." He tells me as tears start falling from my eyes.

"Why?" I ask him.

"Because I care about you."

His comment takes me back a little as I struggle to find a reply. Nobody has ever said that to me before, nobody has wanted to care about me because I come with too much baggage, too much emotional damage. Nobody has ever known how to take care of me properly, nobody except him.

"Luke?" I ask, making sure he's still on the other end of the line.


"Thank you...for everything."

"No problem."

I notice that we've been talking for a fair while now and I don't want Ryan getting suss.

"I better go, before Ryan notices." I speak up.

"Ok, I'll call you tomorrow at 10." He says.

"You promise?" I ask him, afraid that he won't call me back.


I hang the phone up and turn off the shower before unlocking the door. As I open the door I jump at the sight of Ryan leaning against it with a smirk on his face. My first thought is that he heard me on the phone and I instantly start to panic.

"All freshened up?" He slurs.

I nod in reply as I keep my gaze on the ground.

"Good because it's time to have some fun." He tells me as he grabs me by the shoulder and pulls me towards the bedroom.

"Ryan, I'm really tired and I'm sure you are too after a long day at work so why don't we just get some sleep." I suggest, trying anything.

"I'm not tired." He tells me.

"Ryan please." I beg as my eyes fill with tears.

"Come on, this is going to be fun." He says as he throws me down on the bed.

His heavy body falls on mine, keeping me pinned to the bed as his left hand covers my mouth to hide me sobs and his right hand rips my clothing from my body.

Tears pour from my eyes as the pain becomes horrendous. He's not just raping me, he's torturing me. Every single bone in my body is aching and my muscles are tense with fear.

"Please stop." I beg as my voice cracks.

"Shut up." Ryan snaps as he punches me in the jaw to try and stop my talking.


My jaw is aching and my body is full of fear. He left me in the darkness, like he always does after his assaults. I'm too afraid to move, incase he comes back in. Instead I curl up into a ball and cry myself to sleep.




Shadows in a Window // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now