//Chapter 10//

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Laura's POV;

I look at Ross as he kneels down at the dead body right in front of him. I sighed and looked away. He got killed, apparently by an arrow..

Ross didn't kill him, god no. We were just walking around and saw a boy lying on the floor and yea..

Ross picked up the knife in the guy's hand and shrugged. "This is useful," he said and I nodded.

I looked back and smelled smoke. What? I grabbed Ross' hand and pulled him away. We shouldn't be here in the middle out of nowhere. It's dangerous.

I kept walking, but then let go of his hand. I continued walking slowly, but he wasn't by my side.

I thought he was trailing behind me.

And he was.

I heard a moan and I quickly looked behind. Fog? What could be so bad about that? But Ross didn't seem okay..

"Laura! Run! The fog's poisonous!" I widen my eyes and grabbed his arm when the fog almost touched him.

But it did, his face a little..

We ran until we were nowhere to be found by the fog. Luckily, only my hand touched it, but Ross' leg, arm, and a little of his face, touched the fog.

He kept moaning and stumbling, until he fell.

I sighed and kneeled down at him. I looked around and saw a pond. I mumble a "hold up" and walked over to a pond. I heard Ross moan my name and I instantly felt bad that I just left him just so that I could look at some pond.

I put my hand in the water and it burned. I flinch and gasped and took it out quickly. I looked at my hand and it wasn't red anymore. It... made it better...

I ran over to Ross and dragged him to the pond. He yelled in pain and got out quickly, ready to yell at me.


I innocently smiled at him when I saw his skin looked better. He looked at his arm and gasped, "Woah... Cool!"

I giggle and we both started walking again.

We knew something was up, the forest was quiet. Too quiet. It was too good to be true..

And arrow flew by Ross, making him shriek. "Laura.. Get down.." He whispered and I did as told.

Another arrow flew by Ross, but it almost hit him by an inch!

"Laur, run. I'll catch up with you, but run, don't stop.." He said, pushing me the slightest bit. But I ran. Even though I was worried sick about what could happen to Ross, he told me to run, so that's what I did.

I ran until my feet were bleeding. I ran until my feet got numb I couldn't even walk. So I fell and laid down. No sign of Ross still..

I sighed and put my hands on my face.

Why did I have to be chosen?

A scream filled my ears and my eyes went wide. I looked around and saw no one. What if Ross killed the girl who was screaming? Oh god, no...

I felt hot breath on my neck and I jumped up, startled. What scared me the most? It wasn't Ross' hot breath..

"Hey Juliet, where's Romeo?" He smirked, making me back up, even though my feet were like bleeding right now.

I shook my head, "I don't know where he is.."

Why am I telling him information?!

The guy took out a knife and came closer to me. My breath hitched, and I wanted to make a run for it, but maybe he could catch up to me and kill me at the moment, or, he actually has an arrow and can shoot me..

"Awe, he ditched you. Who wouldn't?" He brought the knife to my neck, making me loose my breathing.

The knife dropped and his eyes were open, too open. He didn't blink, just fell on the floor. And behind the the dead body, stood Ross, with a knife on his head.

"Don't mess with my girl again!" He kicked the guy's head and it started bleeding.

"Ew! Let's go!"



Ugh, I know, "WHERE. WERE. YOU."

I was in school! 😭

I hate it! My math teacher is so strict! Aryanna got in trouble for clearing her throat 😰 WHAT THE EVEN HECK?!


And THEN, my other friend was looking at the Math teacher and he's like, "Stop looking at me. Why are you looking at me?"

And my friend said, "Because I'm done..."

"If you're done, do something else!"

"But I don't have anything to do.."

"DON'T LOOK AT ME! Just put your head down!"

And then, she put her head down and you know what he said? -.-



It pisses me off so much, and my other teacher.. Ugh, she has an air horn, so if we talk, she blows it and I'm right next to her 😭

ANYWAYS! Are you liking school so far? I'm not..

Next update will be for "Not Just a Crush" and I'll start tomorrow. 😉


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