//Chapter 6//

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Laura's POV;

I grip into Ross' hand tightly as Diana yells at me. "YOU THREW AN ARROW AT A MAN'S WIG?! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!"

I sigh and sat on the couch with Ross. "Look, Diana, it wasn't her fault, they weren't paying attention to her!" Ross defended me.

I jerked my way at him and slightly smiled.

He smiles back but Diana yelled some more. Haymitch soon entered the room and clapped. "Bravo! You threw an arrow to a man's wig, so tough! Wh-What did you say again?" He snorts.

By the tone in his voice, and how he was stumbling a lot, I knew he has been drinking.

"Thank you for your consideration.." I said as Haymitch falls back on the couch and laughs, "Classic!"

I slightly smile but then purse my lips when Diana groans and stomps off.

I bit my lip as Ross kisses the top of my head and puts me closer. "You guys ready for the 'Fancy Cat Ellington Talk Show'?" I heard Haymitch asked as he goes to the kitchen.

I nod as Ross replies with a yes.

I sigh and put my head on Ross' shoulder. I watched as Haymitch grabs another glass of alcohol, sits back on the couch and puts his feet up on the table.

"Ross, Laura, Rocky will get you ready in an hour," Diana said while opening the glass door.

We both nod and Haymitch goes to his room and Diana goes to her's.

Silence filled the room. I wasn't really in the mood for talking, but I don't know about him. "Laura?"

I looked up at him and breathed out a, "Yea?"

He sighs and says, "One of us will be dead tomorrow.. Or maybe both of us will... Um, I just wanted to say, that whatever happens, I need you to be safe.."

I close my eyes and sigh. I open them once again to see Ross staring at me intently. "Ross, I know you want me to be safe, I want you to be safe too... But only one of us makes it out alive.."

He put his forehead against mine and took hold of both of my hands.

"Laura... I just don't want to loose you.." I meet his gaze and I noticed how are faces are a few in inches away.

"LAURA! ROCKY'S HERE!" Diana yelled from her room. Ross' lips quivered as I stare at his eyes.

"Maybe you won't.." I slipped my hands out of his grip and took hold of his cheek with one hand.

I gently kissed his cheek and leave just like that.

//Page Break//

I look down at my dress as the line starts getting shorter as they call names. Red, my favorite color.. Like blood...

I hear Ross clear his throat behind me and I look back.

"You look beautiful," He said and I smiled. I turn back around and they called my name next.

I started to freak out a little, but went on stage anyway. I see Ellington sitting in a chair and I sit in the other chair right next to him.

"Ah, Laura Marano! Also known as the girl on fire! Welcome!" Everybody clapped as Ellington took hold of the mic.

I nodded and looked at the crowd, I froze. So many people.. It's funny how they know me, but I don't know them. They think I know all of their names, but I don't...

"So tell me, was that real fire?" Ellington asked and looked at the crowd as they cheered.

I clear my throat and looked at Rocky in the audience. He nodded his head and I looked at Ellington and nod.

"It was real fire..."

"What were you thinking at that moment?" He asked.

I gulped and bit my lip. I honestly wasn't thinking anything, the only thing that came across my mind that day was holding Ross' hand.

"I was hoping not burning to death.." I made something up and looked at the crowd, while a small smile crept my face.

Ellington laughed and the audience did too.

"So, at the ripping.. Was that your sister?" He asked and I looked down. "Vanessa, yes.." People awed and I had a lump in my throat.

"I'm pretty sure she's watching you right now and I know she's proud of you."

I just nod and we change the topic.

My interview soon finished after some talking and now it was Ross' turn.

I leave the stage as they call Ross. Ross smiles at me and leaves to go on the stage. I sigh as I look at the TV on the wall.

"So, tell me, Ross, how are you?" He asked Ross. Ross nodded, "Doing good, thanks."

I slightly smiled and crossed my arms as I watch him.

"Now tell me.. Is there any girl back home?" My smile disappeared. Girl? Ross looked down and sighed, "No.."

"LIES!" Ellington yelled through the mic and laughed. Ross faked smiled at him, clearly saying he doesn't want to talk about it. But Ellington didn't budge.

"Nah, seriously, tell me!"

Ross looked at the camera, it felt like he was looking at me, but he was just looking at the camera.

"There's this girl.." He started. I bit my lip as I look down. "I've always had the biggest crush on..." I closed my eyes shut and sighed.

"Ooh, have you had the guts to ask her out?" Ellington asked. Ross sighed and shook his head, "No.. We became friends after the ripping..."

How come I never knew about his 'friend'?

"Well, when you come back home, she has to go out with you!" Ellington kindly smiled but Ross didn't smile back.

"I wouldn't say that..." He said as I furrow my eyebrows, "She came here with me.."

What? He has a crush on me?!

I pursed my lips as he left the stage, walking towards me. I bit my lip and let out a sigh I've been holding this whole time.

I grit my teeth as he stands in front of me. "Look, Laur, I can explain--"

I pin him to the wall as Diana comes rushing over.

"You have a crush on me?!" I yell as he gulps. "Let him go!" I hear Haymitch say. "All your life and now you have the guts to tell me?! You tell me right before the day we are both going to die?!" I yell at him.

Ross shuts his eyes tightly as I calm down.

Haymitch, Rocky, and Diana crowded over us, not moving a muscle, wondering what will happen next.

I did the unexpected, and he did too..

I kissed him, and he kissed back....


Awe 😪


I'm sorry! But this chapter is all you need! It's long, Raura, and filled with feels.

All you need to survive, right?

Funny story 😂 My cousin thinks Ross is Dracula 😂

I keep trying to tell him he is not Dracula, but I swear, he doesn't believe me! Like wtf dude, he is not a vampire 😂

People dis days -.- And I am one of them! 😁

Are you one too? 😯

I swear, I'm not this stupid... I hope I'm not......... 😐


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