//Chapter 1//

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Laura's POV;

"Vanessa, you'll be fine." I sat next to my little 13 year old sister as she buries her hands in her face. "I can't do it, this is my first time.. It's not fair!"

I stroke her long dark brown hair as she sobs.

"Girls, we have to go." My mother told us. We slowly nodded and gave Vanessa a hug. "I promise, you'll be fine."

I'm not even fine myself. What happens if they pick me?

I brought my sweaty palms back to my lap as she dries her tears.

"We have to go, c'mon.." I grab her hand as she cries harder.

I sigh as we get to the crowd of people. "You'll be fine girls," my mother kisses both of our foreheads and cracks a smile.

Diana Phanderson taps the microphone in front of her and speaks, "Welcome everyone! Happy Hunger Games!" She said happily.

But people weren't too pleased at what she said.

People groaned and some cried, I groaned. "Well, well.. We should get to the districts... Shall we?"

I hold my little sister's small hand and make a tight grip, making sure she knows that I'm here.

I close my eyes shut as Diana called names.

"District 12.. From the boys... 'Ross Lynch'."

Ross Lynch, whom I didn't know of, got taken by guards and pulled up on stage. He had a serious face. But if you looked right into his eyes, you can only see one thing...


I breathed in and kept my eyes shut now as I grip my sister's hand pretty hard.

"District 12, from the girls... 'Vanessa Marano'."

My heart stopped and everything around me turned into slow motion and I couldn't hear anything.

Vanessa sobbed and screamed as she got taken away from guards. I tried reaching for her hand, but it was too late.

"I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!" I yell. People looked at me and gasped. "PLEASE! I VOLUNTEER! I VOLUNTEER!" I yell again.

I didn't want my sister to get taken away from me. But that also means I have to take away my life.

"Farewell.." Diana said softly into the microphone.

Guards took over my shoulders as they placed Vanessa back to the ground.

"LAURA!" She screamed and cried. I let my tears fall down as I stand next to Ross Lynch.

"District 12- Ross Lynch and Laura Marano.. Good luck." Diana said as the crowd of people started walking away.

I got off stage and drop on my knees. "That was a brave move.." I hear a soft voice behind me.

I quickly turn around and found Ross. I didn't say anything and kept looking forward. He sat next to me as I look at the ground.

"I should've hidden.. Me and my sister, we should've hidden!" I scream and punch the ground.

Ross was quiet for a moment but then said, "They would've found you..." He looked at me.

"It was my chance! I COULD'VE DONE IT!" I yell and let my tears fall as he bit his lip. "Aren't you scared about your life? You're gonna die! WE are gonna DIE!" I spit.

"No body cares about me anyway." He gets up from the ground and I looked at him.

He walks away as I drown in my tears.

I went back to my house, only to be greeted my my sister and my mom. "LAURA!" My sister cries on my neck. "I'm okay, I'm okay..."

My mother comforts me as she lets down some tears.

I went to bed, but I couldn't sleep. Some words were bothering me, and the Hunger Games was too. I just couldn't...

'No body cares about me anyway.'


Hey KitKats!

So.. Hunger Games story, huh? Pretty cool 😎

So just saying, I watched Hunger Games like a very loooooooooooooong time ago, and I don't remember a lot! So, there is gonna be some changes! Like, Laura won't have a best friend... Well, Ross, but you know.. 😉

I honestly don't remember A LOT of things.. So if I make a mistake, I'M SO VERY SORRY! And PLEASE point it out, because I love Hunger Games and I want to seem like a real fan, ya know 😉

So yea.. Sorry if it was kinda boring, next chapter WILL be better!

And I'm still working on the cover, KitKats

One love KitKat. That is a wrap and ZOOP!


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