"Not quite, this is the reason I'm here actually. I was hoping we could spend the day together . . . to catch up." he states a little awkwardly. "Have you read the book I gave you?"

"Um . . . no. I was going to after school today but I guess I could start early. You want to . . . spend the day together?"

"Well, yes. If that's okay with you that is."

I take a moment to process his words, a bit surprised. Well, he did get me out of school for this . . . and it does look like he's trying, at least.

Besides, I promised the guys I would try too . . . "S-sure. What did you have in mind?"


The car ride to . . . wherever it was we're going is a quiet one. Kele rented a nice car for us to drive in, too I think it was an SUV or something. It's pretty spacious which is something I like, and it's a nice navy blue that drives smoothly through the streets of New York. I'm pretty surprised when we pull up to the familiar sights of the Aigile cirque tent, the black and white colors of the tent managing to bring a small smile to my face.

"Wait, how do you know about Aigile?" I ask turning to him.

Kele glances back knowingly, unbuckling his seatbelt. "You'll find out once we're inside, come on."

"Jeez . . . why does he have to be so mysterious . . . ?" I grumble, opening the car door and following him inside. It's early, so the performers are probably doing their practicing before they opened later on in the day. When we approach the ticket booth, a loud gasp comes from the screens before the door on the side slam open.

"Can it be?! The two Kateri's!" a voice calls out. Antonio jumps out of the booth, rushing up to pull me in a hug as he spins me around. I try to take in a breath, getting a good inhale of his cologne as I hear Kele let out a low chuckle.

"It's good to see you again, Antonio." He says as the brown-haired man releases me, but not before placing a kiss on both my cheeks.

"Kele~! My, my, you're just as handsome as ever! The years have certainly been good to you."

Kele chuckles. "Ever the flirt, how has everything been?"

"Brilliant! Our little Ari has become quite a sensation here, well, that is before she was pulled along in that month-long assignment for school. It was so brave of you to help those underprivileged children but you mustn't put yourself in so much danger! Honestly, you know there was a war going on there, you could have gotten yourself killed sweetie!"

"Oh, right! I just . . . couldn't help myself!" I laugh, trying to hide the nervousness in my voice. Just what the hell was Fury telling my friends!?

"A sensation you say?" Kele asks completely unaffected by the lie.

"Why yes! She's even gotten a little fan club here and they've been wondering when you were coming back to the stage~!"

I blush a bit, shuffling my feet. "Oh come on . . . I don't seriously have a fan club. Right?"

Antonio giggles, gesturing across the way to the gift booth where a plethora of Agile merchandise. There are a ton of Marie and Marcus posters, mugs, and memorabilia since they're the most well-known duo but I'm a little surprised to see a small corner of stuff with my face on them!

"The sales don't lie darling!"

"No way! That's nuts!" I gape, noting the 'Alice in Wonderland' pictures of me in the Cheshire cat costume. That all seemed so long ago . . .

Toss Up (Danny Rand)Where stories live. Discover now