Chapter 31 - The new King

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" Mom, listen to me, okay? Just listen!"
Mary Margaret looked about to object, but then she shut her mouth. Emma sighed in relief.
" Okay, that's the thing: George is dead, David and Ruby, I guess, are trying to find out who killed him. I came here to tell you this and that we have... uh... changed a couple of thing in the system's policy, okay? You, dad and Regina will rule together with some spokespersons from the people and will take decisions by vote. By now it's the best we could do."
The teacher frowned and opened her mouth again, but Emma stopped her raising a hand. " Wait, it ain't over. So, the kingdom is just one, not two kingdoms, one, okay? My fault, yes. We have two queens and one king and... Oh. Well, don't take it the wrong way, it's not like you have to share him. It's just... Anyway, please, don't argue with Regina. The last thing we need now is an internal fight. I avoided a French Revolution just thirty minutes ago, don't make me regret it. Please. She's trying, mom, really. She's trying so hard, can't you see it? Please, if you... if you keep pushing her down..."
Snow White suddenly hugged her, not fast enough to impede her to see her wet eyes. Emma let her hug her, but didn't move. She didn't feel like doing it. Not until she would know that she had understood.
" Emma, I'm so sorry! I should have never... I'm so sorry, so, so sorry! If I could only turn back time and slap my face this morning instead of coming at Regina's... I never meant to hurt you, I swear! I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."
She was crying over her shoulder, hugging her so tight to almost choke her. Emma felt the tears press against her eyes, but swallowed them back.
" I-it's okay. " she murmured, embarrassed. She patted her shoulder, not knowing what to do. She was never good with this kind of things. " I..." Emma inhaled deeply. She had to do it. She had to force her, or it could last forever. " I can forgive you." she said, trying to keep her voice firm as her hands as she moved her mother. She needed to look her in the eyes. She needed to see if she was sincere. " But only if you promise me that you'll let Regina be part of our family. "
Mary Margaret furrowed her brow, opening wide her eyes. " Are you... are you telling me that I have to choose between you and her?"
" Yes." Emma sighed, felling the bravery and the conviction wipe away her fears. If she didn't love her enough to put aside hate she wasn't better than Cora. Emma didn't have a mother for twenty-eight years. If she had to stay an orphan for Henry's good, she would do it. She wouldn't waste his possibility to be part of a real family only because she didn't have that same possibility. If she had to choose between Henry and Mary Margaret, she'd choose Henry. " Hate her or love me." she concluded tightly.
Snow White looked about to have a panic attack. She opened her mouth, goggled, paled, then glanced down. When she gazed up at her again, her eyes were full of tears and regret.
" Emma... Do you really think that I'd ever leave you again?"
The Savior felt again the tears push to flow down on her cheeks. But she couldn't let them. She had to know first.
" You didn't really answer."
Mary Margaret's hands suddenly cupped her face as the teacher started weeping. " You're my daughter, Emma. I'd do anything for you. You. I choose you. "
Emma looked into those green eyes, mirrors of hers. She looked sincere, but she did even the last time. Could she trust her? Could she trust the shy school teacher? Her best friend? Her mother? Snow White, the one she knew, or the one that Regina's emotions sometimes showed her? Who of them she could trust? All of them? None of them?
" If you want I can kiss her boot to show you that I'm sincere, Emma. " Snow smiled behind the tears. Emma couldn't help but give her a brief laughter. " Just ask, I'll do it. I swear!"
At that bright, warm smile, The Savior's tears started falling, and she folded her mother in her arms. She had missed her.
" It won't be necessary." she said with her voice broken by emotion, distorted by a smile.
Mary Margaret laughed softly, giving her a squeeze. " Good, it would have been terrible! For me, I mean. I'm sure that she'd enjoy it. "
Emma smiled and closed her eyes. " Mh, maybe. "
" Maybe?"
She snorted. " Meh, okay, yes, she would, but not as much as you think."
Snow White broke the hug to look at her, her eyebrows lifted. " So, now that's how it works: you always defend her, uh?" The hint of wit in her voice made Emma relax.
She shrugged. " When she'll do something wrong again, I'll kick her ass, don't worry." she smirked, causing Mary Margaret's grin.
" I'm looking forward to it."
" Mom!"
She laughed. " Just kidding. Mostly."
They looked at each other for a while, then bursted out into laughter.
" Uhm, I should go now. Ya know, technically I'm the sheriff, should be working on the case..."
" Yes, yes, go to help your father! Hurry!" she said smiling and waving her hand in the air, motioning to her to go away. " Don't look at the body, but help him."
" It's not like I've never seen a cadaver, mom..."
" Yes but have you ever seen a beheaded man?"
Emma pressed her lips together and swallowed. " Nope."
" Good. Don't. Now go, that poor man has just become a king and he's already washing the blood away from his realm! "
" What?"
" Never mind. Go!"
Emma frowned but exited the empty classroom. She almost stumbled in a wave of children. She managed not to step on their feet for a good part of the hallway, and she was about to pass all of them when Henry called her out.
" Momma? What's happening?"
" All fine, kid! Just needed to say a thing to Mary Margaret."
The boy tilted his head to his left and pinched his lips, frowning. Regina. He was a fucking little male version of Regina. " Couldn't you call her?"
" Errr... It... It was important. Needed to talk face to face. "
" Was it about what happened this morning?"
The Savior sighed. " Yes, yes, exactly. Listen, go to your lesson now. I'll tell you everything later, I promise. Don't have the time now. "
He seemed to think about it, but he smiled in the end. " Okay. See you later!"
She smiled back at him. " Yeah... See you later." she said, unconvinced. If she had to investigate on George's death, that later could mean the day after. She watched him enter the classroom, and only then she got out of school, jumping on her yellow bug.

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