Chapter 11 - Save her

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Snow and David came back in the cabin twenty minutes later. Regina was now sitting on the bed, one hand in Rapunzel's, the other on her shoulder as to comfort her. Snow White remembered of all the times she did it with her, when her father died. But she was faking then. Now she was sincere, Snow was sure. After all, she had no reason to pretend her worrying...

A moan interrupted her train of thoughts: Rapunzel arched her back, a grimace of pain on her face. She then fell back on the bed. Her breath was accelerated but irregular, and she was even paler than before.
" Hold on, he's coming..." Regina murmured, squeezing her hand.
No, she was not faking at all.
" Regina I'm... I'm losing control, I... could say stupid things. Senseless things. Don't listen to me. It's not me speaking, it's the poison..." the warrior said quickly, as if she had little time left to say the most important thing in the world to the only one who could save it. The pain interrupted her and left her breathless, close to faint.
" It's alright Rapunzel, don't worry." Regina shyly caressed her cheek while talking. " Don't worry..." her voice broke. She swallowed hard, trying to calm down. Snow acted instinctually: she reached the bed and put a hand on Regina's shoulder, forcing herself to smile althought she was dying inside. They were about to lose her. And she promised her she wouldn't let her die. She saved her life, so she owed her the same favor. But, actually, she could do nothing for her, and that made her go crazy.
" Hey, hero, how are you?" she asked her, hoping with all herself she would smile. Rapunzel tried, but she was evidently too weak to really do it.
" Hero is a little too much for a mercenary..." a weak cough stopped her. She was closing her eyes. Regina's hand on her face made them open again.
" I must disagree." she said, smiling. Rapunzel stared at her with an unmistakable adoring expression on her tired face. So, that's what she was talking about. Losing control.
Snow wondered if Regina had finally noticed Rapunzel's feelings towards her. Judging by her still worried expression, probably not. Maybe she refused them. Maybe she thought none could love her anymore. Or simply she couldn't recognize love anymore. Snow promised herself to talk with the stepmother about that.
" Hold on Rapunzel, magic is coming."
The woman smiled again, but her eyes closed. Regina called her, at first softly, then louder, and finally shaking her by her shoulder. David suddenly moved. He reached them, moved Snow and Regina aside and touched her neck with two fingers.
" Shit!" he murmured, antsy, lifting the warrior from the bed and putting her on the floor. Then he began trying to reanimate her with the cardiac massage.
" Come on, beat!"
He continued trying, with no results. But he didn't stop, not for a second. He tried the mouth-to-mouth too, but Rapunzel didn't open her eyes. After a while Snow put a hand on his arm, bright tears sliding through her cheeks, her heart cracked by the sight of the friend's lifeless body lying on the ground.
" David..."
" No!" he exclaimed, going on with the massage. " There's still time..."
" David she's..."
" Don't you dare to say it!" Regina growled, glowering at her with wet, dark eyes. " Don't you dare give up. There's still time. And Rumplestiltskin is very powerful. She'll live. " a single tear slid on her face. " We promised her."
The two women looked at each other for several seconds. A hint of comprehension flew between them. Snow nodded and eyed David, still working to keep her heart beating. He glanced at her, filling her eyes with his reassuring determination. She will live, she thought. She had to believe it.

Four minutes later, that for the three of them seemed an eternity, a dark fog invaded the opposite angle of the cabin and Rumplestilskin, Emma, Henry and Hook appeared just after it disappeared.
" Henry!" Regina exclaimed, and the kid run to her and hugged her tight. " Are you okay, sweetheart?"
" Yes mom, but..." he looked at the pale body on the floor with wide eyes.
" D-don't worry kid, she'll be fine." Emma said. She had followed him, and now she was staring at Rapunzel with the same expression of her son. " Right?" she asked to Snow.
The woman forced herself to nod and smile. Emma's eyes got wet. " Come on kid, let them help her. Let's go on the deck. Come on. "
Henry gazed at Regina, who nodded. " Yes, go. I'll come in a minute."
She kissed his forehead before he went, gratefully eying Emma. She, the boy and Hook left the room.
Regina focused again on Rapunzel. Rumplestiltskin was crouched beside her, a hand, darkly brightened, right above the wound. His eyes were closed, he looked to be totally concentrated, but as she looked at his face, he opened them, staring at her.
" I'm not sure I'm powerful enough, dearie..." he whispered.
The rage exploded in Regina's chest. " Save. Her." she articulated, making him grin.
" Ah, my creature..." he murmured, eyes down, then back on her. " Help me with your rage, Regina." His other hand was stretched towards her, as an invite. " Together, neither death can challenge us. Rip her hearth out. Order her to live. "
At first Regina thought that he was kidding her. But she had never seen him so serious.
She kneeled next to Rapunzel, opposite to Rumple and David, who was still making the cardiac massage. He looked at her shaking his head.
" It won't work, Regina, it's absurd, don't do it. You'll kill her."
" No." Snow intervened, standing behind him. " Do it."
" But Snow, it's just..."
" Do it." she repeated, ignoring David, eyes fixed in Regina's. " You're the only one who can save her."
Regina felt confused, but Snow White and, much more important, Rumplestiltskin, were absolutely convinced that it would work.
She looked at Charming. " Stop."
He hesitated, but then he stopped. Immediately Regina pushed her hand inside Rapunzel's chest, reaching for her heart. Then something strange happened. The heart, at first almost lukewarm, suddenly warmed. When Regina ripped it out it was heavy in her hand, heavier than any heart she had ever ripped out, and incredibly bright. It pulsed weakly, alternating an odd combination of light and darkness with every soft beat. She pulled it close to her mouth. " Live." she whispered to it. Rapunzel's body had a convulsion. " Live!" she repeated, louder, and another start moved her body. Regina pushed again her hand in her chest, and the warrior opened her eyes wide, raising sat. She looked at her, breathless, as if she had just saw something unbelievable. Regina's hand was still inside her. She looked down and her eyes, if possible, widened even more. Regina gave a relieved smile and pulled back her hand, making her falter. Rapunzel coughed, remembering to breath. She looked back at Regina, weeping, without the strength to cry. " You... you..." she whispered, staring astonishingly at the brunette.
Snow hugged her by one side. She didn't even notice it.
Rumplestiltskin smirked. " Hey don't give all the credit to her! I saved you, too, dearie! "
Rapunzel blinked as if she just woke up from a dream.
She tiredly smirked at Rumple. " Seems like I owe you another favor, Dark One." she said with a hint of voice.
" This one is free, for an affectionate client!"
They laughed together as two old friends. Rapunzel stopped for coughing. She lifted her skirt and looked at the wound, now a scar, on her hip. " Good job, Mr. Gold." she slightly laughed.
" How do you know that name?" he asked in surprise.
" Emma called you that way once, but Henry had told me before."
" Henry!" Regina suddenly stood up. " He'll be worried..." she said already walking towards the door.
" Regina!" Rapunzel stopped her, a hint of pain in her voice. The brunette turned to look at her. " Thank you." she said after some seconds of hesitation.
Regina blinked, a little confused by the pleasing feeling that those two, simple words gave her. She nodded and almost ran out of the cabin.

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