Chapter 26 - Blood stains

Start from the beginning

Emma rushed into Mary Margaret's house, knowing that she wasn't inside: her mother was at the hospital, making it up with her dad, hopefully. She had supposed that they needed some time to talk, and only because of that she could resist to go to visit David after lunch. She was hella worried for him, seen that he had been bitten by a werewolf. She had to talk to Ruby, or Granny, or both of them. She needed some further information about werewolf-parents.
The Savior basically launched herself in the shower and hurriedly scrubbed out Regina's blood from her hands and legs. It had filtered through her jeans when she had kneeled next to her. There was so much of it on the ground...
Emma squeezed her eyes shut, trying to forget that image. For the whole duration of the shower, she thought only about Henry and his happy smile.
She was getting out of the shower when a weird sensation invaded her. She didn't have the time to understand what it was that the image of Henry sleeping hugged to Rapunzel substituted the sight of Mary Margaret's bathroom. It was just a moment, but it was enough to let her feel what Regina was feeling.
Emma leaned on the washbasin, trying to regain her balance. She was dizzy, but that happiness hadn't flown away with the vision, leaving her smiling and weeping at the same time. She looked herself in the fogged mirror.
" I'm beginning to like magic, you know?" she said, careful to look only at her face. Otherwise it would have been embarrassing. Okay sharing feelings, but she wasn't that close to Regina to let her see her naked body.
A sassy smile slightly touched her mind.
Nosey parker.
Emma grimaced to the mirror, then tried to close her mind. She had to put a bathrobe on, she was beginning to be cold. Yet she didn't know how to shut the conversation.
Let me help, dear.
Emma felt like if Regina had disconnected the power. She still felt her presence, but like if there was a door made of fogged glass between them, and the former Mayor was turned over, beyond that door.
" Oh, sure, Hermione..." she murmured with a mocking tone " If she hears me..." Emma smirked, taking the white bathrobe and putting it on.

" There's nothing I can do at this point. We can just wait until the next full moon, and then we'll see if you will turn into a normal werewolf or one like Steven."
David frowned. " You'll have to lock me up."
Snow leaned a hand on his shoulder, forgetting for a moment that their relationship could be no more a relationship. As he looked at her, she took back the hand.
" Or you could wear Red's coat. You wouldn't transform." she said, forcing herself to stare back at him. She was so ashamed of herself, of what she had thought and said that she blushed, but she kept staring at him. His eyes were still the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.
" But I wouldn't know what I've become." he objected pursuing his lips. " I need to know it, Snow. "
Mary Margaret sighed, sad. She knew that he'd have always stayed the same, but this thing, she knew that it would have somehow changed him. Knowing Ruby was a great thing, she would have helped him, but... What if he'd have failed? What if he had lost control?
" I know." she murmured, finally glancing down. His hand gently took hers, surprising her. Snow looked at her husband.
" It will be fine." he said, smiling. She melted at that stare. " I know who I am." he added, squeezing her hand. Snow felt her eyes get wet.
Whale throat-cleared. " Well, I'll go see how's Killian, if he woke up. I'm in the next room if you need me." he said before leaving.
David, after greeting him, went back looking at her. He was still holding her hand. Seeing him there, sitting on the edge of a hospital bed, remembered her of when he had woken up from the coma, one year before. It seemed crazy that one year had already passed. Snow looked at her man: he was the same, yet he wasn't. As an example, he was wearing his armor, well, half of it, seen that the upper part had been removed in order to medicate his wound, a deep bite on his right shoulder, up to his chest. A large, white bandage covered half of his chest now. The shoulder brace, abandoned on the floor on the side of the bed, was a shrunken piece of scrap iron. It had saved his life.
Snow realized that she was crying while looking at the shoulder pat. David jumped down from the bed, getting close to her, very close. He cupped her face between his hands, forcing her to look at him.
" Hey, I'm fine. I'm here, look at me." he whispered, rubbing her cheeks with his thumbs. " I'm going nowhere."
" B-but I'm a horrible person..."
David bursted out into brief laughter, shaking his head. " Perfect! I'm a monster, we're made for each other! "
Snow frowned, moving to dry her eyes. " Don't joke, David. I'm serious. I-I thought... I thought that I..."
" That you?"
" That I disgusted you." she ended in a whisper, glancing down, or at least trying to do it, as David's hands prevented her from doing it.
" Hey, look at me. No, look at me." he silenced, going on speaking only when she locked gaze with him. " I love you." he said, making her burst into tears.
" How can you..."
" Listen, don't talk. I love you, and nothing, nothing will ever change that. I went away because you had to realize what you were doing to yourself by your own. Because I knew that you could do it. You're stronger than you know, how many times have I to tell you? If I'd stayed, you would have went on looking for my support, and you'd never find back yourself. I was just waiting for you to remember who you are."
Snow couldn't possibly understand what David was saying. Was it real? Was he real?
" David, I..."
" I said don't talk." he sweetly said before leaning forward and pressing his lips against hers, his warm hands still holding her face.
Mary Margaret froze for a few seconds, but then the love burnt wild in every fiber of her body, and she grasped to her husband, kissing him back and shedding tears of joy.

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