Chapter 22 - Wolfsbane

Start from the beginning

Steven leaned against the wall, his eyes closed for the effort of hearing her voice over the others in the diner, a slight smile between his beard. The female was uselessly trying to find a way to escape from him. Silly. His brothers were just on the other side of the road, and she wanted to run away from him. Fortunately the man was making her reason, or he'd lose her. And he never lost.

Regina huffed putting the umpteenth pile of papers together and then in the dark-grey binder. She lifted it with an irritated puff and put it in the archive, slamming then the metallic door. " I shouldn't even be here..." she mumbled, sighing. But Belle's total ineptitude was astounding. The office was a disaster! Yet she was a librarian, she thought that she was a tidy person! She was evidently wrong, however. Regina went there with the only purpose to talk to her, and instead she had passed the last two hours trying to put the empty office in order, and still the results weren't exactly satisfying, partly because of the total chaos Miss French had left the place in, partly because, she had to admit it, she was distracted. The town had to be run by someone who was up to it, so not Belle, it was evident, but nowadays that office meant nothing to her. Snow was self-destructing, she didn't need to be more powerful than her anymore. She just wanted to spend time with her son. And with her. Shaya's face was pleasingly haunting her mind, suddenly appearing while she was writing a note, putting the thousandth paper in the folder, or opening a letter. She was always there, as a reassuring, warming presence. And, sometimes, she couldn't help but feel that intense, burning desire for her, and it totally blew her mind. In her whole life, she had never felt that sensation for a woman, never! But still, as those deep blue eyes blinked in her mind, she just wanted to go home and smash her against the damn white wall and rip her clothes off. But, no, she had to do Miss French's job. Regina clenched her teeth. Her gaze flew around in the empty office, falling on the clock on the wall. Almost half past ten. She gave the clock a devilish smile. In less than two hours she'd have been free. She had to eat anyway, didn't she?

" Wolfsbane!" Belle screamed, making everyone startle in the library.
" What?" Archie asked locking gaze with her and settling his glasses on his nose. He closed the book he was reading and went next to her, glancing at the book she was holding.
" She can kill them with it! Wolfsbane." Belle repeated with a wild smile on her face.
" It's... It's poisonous, as long as I..."
" Yyyeees! Exactly! And it kills werewolves!" She suddenly closed the book and run away screaming " Follow me, Archie!"
The therapist, though a little confused, left the book on the table and ran out of the library to reach the girl.
" Belle, where are we going?" he screamed. She was a few meters away from him, but she ran faster than he did, so she was quickly distancing even more.
" Snow's!"
" Couldn't... Couldn't we take the car?" he panted.
" Nope! This way's quicker!"

Someone furiously knocked at her door. Snow ran and fastly opened it, but there wasn't her husband in front of her. Belle rushed inside her apartment blabbing about plants and werewolves, and the sweated, panting psychiatrist awkwardly smiled at her, adjusting the glasses on his nose.
" Hey, Snow, is it all fine?" he asked frowning, still standing outside the apartment. Snow White weakly nodded while glancing down. She had to clear her throat before speaking.
" Yes, but I was... Going out, so you two should..." she muttered. Belle suddenly stopped talking. She went back, approached the other woman and tried to look her in the eyes without success, as Snow was obstinately looking at the floor.
" Whoa, hey, what happened?" The librarian tried to lean a hand on her shoulder, but Snow avoided her, swallowing hard then.
" Get out." she almost growled.
Archie and Belle shared a perplexed gaze. Snow's irritation grew a little more. She opened more the door and waved her hand as to show them the way out. Belle hesitantly walked out the door, and, before she could say a word, Snow slammed it.
She then leaned on it, listening to their muted voices. She could breath again only when she heard their steps fade away with the distance. Burning tears wept her face again while the desperation of the absolute nothing that she was feeling filled again her mind, crunching her stomach.

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