Chapter 13 - A new life

Start from the beginning

Regina was shattered. Snow was right. But she had to be wrong!
She had thought about it all night long. Rapunzel's behavior actually was unusual. It had always been. But she had always thought that she was simply made so. It was just logical to her. But now it wasn't anymore. That look in her eyes... she noticed it everytime the warrior looked at her, but she had always refused it. Now she finally realized it. That look made her feel that way. As if... No, she didn't know. She thought that she would never find the words to describe that feeling: she only understood that it was deep and, somehow, painful. She thought it was guilt, because she unconsciously knew that Rapunzel loved her, but she always treated her as any servant. And when she put that ring on... yes, Regina remembered that gaze. It was a goodbye, the one that the warrior gives to the lover before the last battle. She was a warrior, she remembered to herself with an inner smile. She knew such things. She probably thought she would have died. Or maybe she hoped it. No. Rapunzel wasn't that kind of person, or she wouldn't be there, still breathing. There, with all the others...
Regina hadn't had the strength to look at her. She had felt her eyes on her, as always, but now... Before, she had always felt safe under that look. She thought that that was the look every guard gives to the person they have to protect. A checking look, like "okay, she's fine, mission accomplished, now let's kick some threatening ass". Damn, she was beginning to talk, worse, think as Emma. As a Savior. She laughed innerly at herself. The world was upside down: a damn good-hearted warrior loved her, Snow White was right and she thought as a Boston True Love's product. And Rapunzel loved her. Those three words had kept her awake all night. She had sent her to Neverland! If Daniel did it to her... she couldn't think about it. Even the thought was unbearable, imagine... She'd probably have killed herself. Perhaps not. But if she didn't, and... Damn it, Shaya had forgiven her! She smiled at her when she saw her on the beach! Smiled! She would have killed her if she was Rapunzel. And she smiled. And looked at her that way. Again. But, no! It wasn't possible. That was just suggestion. It had to be.

" Mary Margaret, what happened?"
" We were finally at "mom"! Don't regress, please!"
She was smiling. Emma wasn't.
" Yes, later. Have you seen Rapunzel's face when Regina didn't greet her? What happened?"
" What? Why? How was her face?"
" Let's say it was better when she was almost dead. Now answer."
Snow smiled widely. " I told her that she loves her. Regina was so confused, probab..."
" You did what?!?" the Savior almost screamed. That was a disaster! Regina's reactions to emotions were... well, violent. Everybody knew. Particularly her mother. How could she have...
" I told her. She had to know. Rapunzel deserves better than..."
" Are you crazy??"
" Emma, where's the problem?"
Mary Margaret was truly confused, it was evident. Their matching eyes were widened for different reasons.
" Where's the problem? Where's the problem, mom? The problem is that Rapunzel didn't want her to know!"
Her mother smiled again. She was uselessly trying to reassure her. " She was just afraid..."
" Yes! And she was right! Shit! Have you seen Regina's face? "
" Yes! She realized that Rapunzel loves her. It's normal if she's a little shocked. I was too when I realized it."
" No!"
" No?"
" I mean, yes, but... shit! She'll avoid her forever!"
Mary Margaret paralyzed. She clearly didn't think about it. " Shit..." she murmured.
" Yeah..."
" M-maybe she won't. Maybe they'll talk and..."
" Mom?"
" Uh?"
" It's Regina you're talking about." Emma's skeptic gaze totally convinced the other woman.
" Right. Well, I..." She sighed loudly." I'm a mess. I made..." her own bitter laughter interrupted her. " Damn it! I've made the same mistake twice!"

There was a little crowd on the quay. Henry could see Archie with Pongo, Ruby, Granny, Ashley and Sean, Marco and August... that meant Jiminy, Red, Ella, Thomas, Geppetto and Pinocchio, he remembered to himself.
Captain Hook anchored the ship. Henry ran down on the quay. First he hugged Pongo, that was happily barking and wagging his tail, under the happy laughter of Arch... Jiminy. He was the second to get the hug.
" How are you, Henry?" he asked smiling. His glasses couldn't hide his tears.
" Fine! They saved me! It was an adventure, it was great! I mean, I was scared, but I felt like a hero! Well, not exactly, but..."
The man ruffled his hair laughing. " Okay, I got it, brave boy! You'll tell me everything later. Now let me greet the rest of your family!"
" Can I take Pongo?"
" Sure! He'll like it! He missed you, as we all did!" Archie smiled at him, handed him the leash and walked behind him. Henry turned a little to see that he was now talking with his mom. Both of them, now. Emma had joined Regina in the conversation. Archie, mh, Jiminy hugged them both, together. Their faces were hilariously the same: surprised, a little irritated, but innerly pleased. Regina was the first to break the hug. Her face was still stained by irritation, but when she saw Henry laugh, she visibly stifled a laugh. Jiminy turned, saw him and laughed in turn, again. Emma was widely smiling at him. And he felt... happy. There wasn't another way to describe it. But still... the thought of his father never left him. His face darkened at that thought, and he turned to hide it.
Ruby, waiting for his attention crouched in front of him, smiled. " Hey, it's all right?"
" Uh, yup, sure." he said without enthusiasm.
She opened her arms. " Then let me hug you, I need some comfort!"
She smirked, and he got her game. It was a little tricking, but he understood she had good intentions. Henry hugged her, and the tension he accumulated flew a little away. Not a bad trick, after all.
" You know, I was very afraid for you all!" she continued, making him smile between her hair. She was warm, and her hug was reassuring as almost none else's. Emma's and his mom's were the only exceptions.
" For my mom, even?"
" Well, yes!" She distanced enough to look him in the eyes. " She's by our side now. And she's your mom."
" And my step-great-grandma. You know, I didn't really realize it till yesterday evening. Dunno why. But I'm a little confused now... "
She chuckled. " I see."
" I mean, Emma is my mother, and mom is her step-grandma. It's weird."
" Yeah, I know, I know. Guess you just have to get used with the idea. "
" Yeah, maybe." he murmured, and Granny, now standing beside him, caressed his head.
" Have patience, Henry. Just think that you're safe now. Enjoy your return home." the older woman said smiling. She was holding her crossbow in her hand, as always.
He smiled at her, but he couldn't agree with her. He couldn't enjoy that place anymore. Everywhere there were his father's memories hiding, waiting for him to drop his guard and attack him with that infinite sadness. It was...
" Henry!" August's voice called him. His friend hugged him. " How are you?"
" Fine." Henry forced himself to smile. " You?"
" Fine! Let's go play?"
Henry thought about it. He wasn't sure he could play anymore. Not after all that happened. " I brought our swords!" August added. Well, maybe, after all...

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