"Okay I'll do it but come over with me." I replied and his eyes widened.

"What? You are actually going to do it?" Luke asked shocked and I nodded my head. "Wow."

"As soon as I do though you best dump Jenny and ask Hayley out."

He held his palms outward towards me. "I will...I will!"

With that said, I started walking across the yard to where she was stood. She had in her familiar hoop earrings and her skirt was rolled up a few times. You couldn't tell because her untucked shirt was covering it today but I had noticed it before when the teacher has asked her to tuck her shirt back in. Her black socks were up to her knees and she had black trainers on.

She was so damn fit. I mean, she didn't try too hard like some girls did. She pulled the look off effortlessly. Her hair was straightened with a middle parting and had blonde highlights parting her brown hair.

I had never met anyone like her.

As we got closer, I shoved my hands into my pockets and acted nonchalantly. I didn't want to show her that I was ready to shit my pants. I hadn't been this scared since I was stood in the boxing ring with Stanley for the first time.

Since then, I had come a long way with Stanley and his friends. I was training like he told me to, lifting the weights he gave me every night – I even got Luke to lift them with me on some nights just to pass the time. It wasn't very interesting but since I started in October I can already see a difference in my muscles.

I was also a hell of a lot harder. Like I said, Jay knew how hard I was getting and he had to stop me for going after Cameron with the intention of going round two with him. He was so cocky thinking he was the strongest boy in school but I bet I could beat him now easily.

I wanted to tell Luke about Stanley but I never dared. He told me I wasn't allowed to tell anyone about what we were doing. It was one of his rules and he didn't have many so the one's you did have you respected.

He was helping me so much. He would stand there in the boxing ring with me and teach me techniques and show me videos of old boxing matches. I had even suffered a few bruises and bumps that he had given me when I had misbehaved or acted cheekily. In the ring there wasn't time to chat or act funny and I had unfortunately found that out the hard way.

It did hurt, I wasn't going to lie. My arms felt like dead weight a lot of the time and my chest and thighs were always burning. He told me to get an ice cold bath but there wasn't a chance I was doing that. I told him that I did but I was lying. An ice cold bath was definitely not what I needed. I tried it when he told me first but it was awful, I was shivering cold for hours afterwards.

I hated lying to him because he was very watchful of me and every time I even wavered on an answer he narrowed his eyes as if to say 'I dare you to say what you want to say'. I say it like I hated lying to him because I respected him but it wasn't that. I was scared of him. When I was around him I had to keep myself calm and collected. I couldn't and wouldn't tell him that I was scared of him because that was ammunition he could use against me.

I reached Megan and her friends and leant against the wall trying to look cool. "You okay Megan?" I asked.

She turned to face me, leaning against the wall next to me. We weren't too far away from her friends but enough that if we whispered we wouldn't be heard. "Yeah, just waiting for the day to end so I can start celebrating Chantelle's birthday." She replied. "Are you coming out with us on Saturday night?"

I hadn't heard anything about it. "Yeah I'll bring Luke and Jay with me. Where you meeting?"

She shrugged, "Oi, Chantelle!" She shouted across the yard. Chantelle turned around and smirked when she saw Megan and I stood together. I wasn't sure if she knew of my crush on Megan or not so I tried to avoid her at the best of times just in case she blabbed.

"What slag?" She yelled back laughing.

"Cheeky bitch," Megan mumbled under her breath making me grin. "Come here!" She shouted louder.

She did as she was told and walked over. "What?"

"Where we meeting for your party on Saturday?"


"Well obviously Jamie wants to know." Megan told her. "So where?"

"Oh, are you bringing alcohol?" She asked me. Alcohol? Where was I going to get some? I mean my grandparents would never buy me some because I am underage but who do I know that could get me some? I wanted to go to this party, it would be the easiest way that Megan and I could announce that we were now going out. I had to go.

"I'll try and get some yeah." I told her.

"Okay, meet us at Molly Ring Park about half seven."

"Will do, thanks." I told her and with that she turned back around and walked over to who she was talking to before.

"It is going to be so good tonight, there are loads of us going!" She cried happily. "My cousin is getting me six wkd's and a three litre bottle of cider," she grinned.

"Are they? Could they get mine for me if I give you the money?" If they did, this would be perfect! I wouldn't be the loner without alcohol and I would be able to get wasted!

"I am sure he will, what do you want and I'll ask?"

"Hmm... could you get me some cider and a small bottle of vodka?"

She nodded her head. "Sure, give me the money at the party." She smiled. She pressed herself away from the wall and looked to start walking over to Chantelle.

I balked, I need to ask her out! I grabbed hold of her wrist and pulled her towards me. She fell smack against my chest with a startled look on her face. "Wow." She muttered, her lips parted ever so slightly.

"Sorry about that, I just want to ask you one more question." I told her. She was still flush against my body and I wasn't willing to let her go yet. My arm was wrapped around her back holding her to me.

"Okay," she whispered, her eyes on my mouth. I could literally just lean in half an inch and I would be able to kiss her. How perfect would that be?

"Will you go out with me?" I asked her, my voice coming out rushed. I hope she didn't say no, I don't think I could take the rejection. Especially since she just invited me to Chantelle's party and surely she wouldn't have asked if she didn't like me?

"Really?" She wondered astonished.

I nodded my head. "Yes. You are so beautiful." I told her, looking deep into her warm, chocolate brown eyes.

"Okay, I will go out with you." She shrugged and it was then that I let her go. She didn't step away from me straight away so taking the opportunity I pressed my lips to hers. She pressed back until my head was straight against the wall so I grabbed hold of her again to keep her there to kiss.

Wow she was stunning. I couldn't believe she said yes! This was the best thing ever! I couldn't wait until tonight now! 

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