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I forgot that yesterday was Sunday..... That's why I'm a day late

Misaki POV

I'm so happy that everything is fine with Nii-San....

"So Misaki...... What are your plans for the child?....."

Hmmm I'm not sure.....

I thought about Nii-San's question for a few moments before shrugging.

"Wait until I give birth then care for it?"

I suggested, not really liking that I was referring to me and Usagi's child as an it, however I didn't have a choice for I didn't know the gender yet.

"...... I meant with school...... I'm pretty sure that a visibly pregnant boy would catch a boy of attention....."

I frowned slightly at my Nii-San's words that further proved Usagi's suggestion to lock me up until I give birth.

"He's going to stay back a year and stay at home where it's safe until he gives birth"

"...... Usagi...... You sounded really overprotective just now"

Nii-San..... You have no idea......

"That's because anyone who harms what is mine will have to answer to me"

Don't say weird things like that!

"That's great! I'm so glad that I can be rest assured that Misaki will be safe in your hands Usagi!"

Nii-San...... I don't know how to respond to that.....

"Ah...... We should get going, isn't it around the time for you to pick up Nee-San?"

I couldn't help but smile slightly at the look on my brother's face which told me that he had forgotten.

"Ah yes...... I'm sorry to kick you guy's out but I've got to leave....."

Me and my silver haired lover nodded before we exited the house and walked towards the foreign red sports car.

"I'm so glad that everything turned out well"

I sighed happily once I sat in my seat, causing my silver haired lover to raise a brow.

"So you weren't sure whether or not you'd get through to him? what if you failed and he tried to keep you away from me?"

I smiled lightly at Usagi.

"Everything would have been fine, after all, you would have come and helped me"

Usagi POV

Misaki....... You always say the most adorable things....

I leaned over and placed a light kiss upon my innocent Misaki's lips before starting the car engine.

"That goes without saying Misaki, remember, you're mine and will always be mine"

I whispered softly, enjoying the light pink tinge that appeared upon my Misaki's face.

He's so cute and adorable...... I'm so glad that he's my Misaki....

"Baka...... Stop saying stupid things....."

My Misaki murmured softly as he leaned his head against the window and preoccupied himself with looking at the passing cars.

When we arrived at our apartment, I looked over towards my Misaki to see that he had fallen asleep.

Miracle or curse? - Junjou RomanticaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat