Moving In

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Chapter 1: Louis’ POV


It was finally moving day. I was so excited to finally be moving out of my parent’s house to my own place. Sure, I was a bit hesitant with the fact that I would be living alone for the first time in my life, but I was still excited. To be honest, I was tired of being around them all the time… People think it’s easy coming from money, but it’s not all the time. Not when your parents want to control you and have a say in your life constantly. I think my last straw was them wanting to date my dad’s business partner’s son, Jackson. Yes, that’s right I’m gay and they were supportive… but like I said, controlling. And it wasn’t like the guy wasn’t hot as he was. The guy was really sexy and all, but he was such a jerk.

I tried doing what they wanted me to for a while, but after a few months I couldn’t take it anymore. I was fed up. The jerk cheated on me and I really wasn’t into me at all. He was just into himself. If the guy loved anything, it was his himself, sex and his car. I would never fit into that equation, so I – or well we mutually ended things. Our parents were not happy at all. my mum going on and on about how cute we are together, appearance wise, while my dad was talking about hot it was good for the company that Jackson and I were to be together so when they pass the company down to us, it could be ran by a couple. What they seemed to be missing was the fact that I didn’t want to run the company. I didn’t want to go into business, I wanted to something more creative…. I always wanted to do something artistic and in the theater area, I just didn’t know what yet. Maybe a director or a playwright or heck, I’d be good with just being a drama teacher really. I’d be really happy with any of that; I just knew I wanted to be in that field. I couldn’t tell my parents this, yet, though. They’d only tell me how there was no future in it or something and that I should go in the family business. This was why I convinced them to allow me to move out and live by myself. They were hesitant, sure, but in the end agreed to pay for it and my classes. For that, I loved them. Finally I was going to be able to try and be more independent, money aside as I was just a college student… but it was there. I was on my way to independence.

Pulling up outside of the building, I smiled at my new home. This was going to be great, I could just tell. Now I just needed to do the hard part, carry all my stuff inside and start unpacking… My parents had offered to hire movers for me, but I declined the offer. It wouldn’t be too bad, I told them sense the place came furnished. All I had to do was move all my boxes of clothes, toiletries, plates, and everything else I needed. Once that was done, I figured I’d get some carry out as I was nowhere near being a chef… no, that was an understatement. The truth was I didn’t want to burn down my new place so soon. Yeah, I was just that horrible of a cook… it was sad, really. A simple task of boiling water ended horribly wrong many times before. I shook the unpleasant thoughts from my mind and got out of the car. now to carry boxes!

After an hour of going up and down the stairs, I was so happy that I was just on the second floor. I really didn’t want to think of how it would have been if I lived on the third or fourth floor. Talk about tiresome. I left down the stairs one last time to get my last two boxes. My DVD and book collections. I could never forget those. As I took the last two boxes in my hands, I somehow managed to fish out my keys to lock the door while I started my way back to the building. The boxes were heavier than I first had expected. I’m not sure if it was because of the fact that I was getting quite tired and that was making me weak, or I just really had too many books and movies…

I was debating whether or not I should set one of the boxes down and take one up the stairs when voice came up from behind me.

“Hey, do you need a hand with that?” A male voice asked.

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