Richard growled at her. At the sound Aislinn jumped out of her chair, moving to stand in front of her friend protectively. "Don't you dare growl at her Richard!" She snapped.

"She should learn her place and mind her mouth then." Richard growled back. There was a horrified gasp from behind her and then Aislinn wasn't so much protecting Ciera, as holding her back from launching herself through the air at Richard and trying to kill him.

"Honestly Richard, are you trying to make just me hate you, or everyone else too?" Aislinn asked over Ciera's shouts. Who was now screaming insults and a few disturbingly graphic threats towards him.

Sighing Richard nodded at her words, turning to face them.

Maleco hadn't moved and still stood with his fists curled at his sides glaring, his face furious. He hadn't made a move towards the Guardian but if his eyes were any indication he was seriously considering his chances of survival if he was to attempt it.

Richard looked at Ciera who was wrapped in Aislinn's arms, "I apologize Ciera. My anger got the best of me, I was simply concerned for the Queen's safety."

Ciera stilled in her grasp, her arms crossing over her chest. "I will forgive you this one time." She said seriously as she eyed him. He nodded again but before he could open his mouth to speak she continued. "But you have to call me 'Ciera the wonderful' from now on." She finished smugly.

When his mouth fell open she started laughing in satisfaction. Pulling himself together, he composed his face pressing his lips into a hard line as he glared daggers at her continued laughter. "Absolutely not." He spat out.

"Then I don't forgive you." Ciera said with a shrug of her shoulders. "And this means war. Oh and be warned, I had four brothers growing up. I will NOT be defeated!" She smirked, while letting out a weird maniacal evil laugh. Her fingers tapping together like she was some stupid cartoon villain as he stared at her completely dumbfounded.

When he looked at Aislinn for help, she just shrugged her shoulders, adding. "You heard the woman accept her deal or accept war."

"This is ridiculous." He stated.

"No this is payback." Ciera supplied.

"How long do I have to call you this for?" Richard asked in defeat.

"Until I forget all the mean things you've said to me." Ciera answered sweetly. "Sorry what was that?" She asked when Richard muttered 'Pain in my ass'.

"Nothing." He said too quickly, causing both girls to laugh.

"Nothing what?" Ciera asked grinning.

Richard pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyes looking toward the ceiling as if he was looking for some kind of divine intervention, or else hoping for a bolt of lightning to strike him dead. Aislinn would bet he'd gladly take either if it meant he didn't have to deal with Ciera anymore. She was a terror when you got on her bad side. And Richard was definitely on her bad side. Letting out a long breath he looked at her like she was a trial. Or a curse. And then mumbled sullenly. "Nothing... Ciera the wonderful."

"Oh Richard you charmer!" She shrieked fanning herself with her hand pretending to blush while giggling like a hyena.

Richard growled again but this time he smartly held his tongue. "Now would you please like to explain the real reason there is a pissed off Alpha ready to wolf out, around the Princess." Richard asked in a strained voice.

Ciera quirked her eyebrow. Cursing under his breath, his eyes flashed as he muttered. "Please, Ciera the wonderful."

"A little sarcastic but I'll take it." At that he looked like he was about ready to start throttling her, consequences be damned. Probably sensing she was pushing him a little too far Ciera said. "He got a little upset when he found out about Aislinn."

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