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All righty then im making this new story i hope you all like it!! and sorry for not posting as daily as i would like BUT i have a good excusse, i have summer school, and i wana knock out 3 classes soo im extreamly tired when i get home so i will try my HARDEST to keep writing!! 

comment, vote, ask questions, advice!! anything!! thanks so much 


p.s. cast is on the sidebar!! ----->


Ok so were should I start, im not too good at these things, but here I go.

I guess I should start with my name? ok, im Alexandria Moore, but mostly everyone calls me AJ only because my middle name is Jamie. I have an annoying brother Daniel who I cannot stand, I cant live with him… yet I cant live without him, sad but true As annoying as he gets I love him to DEATH! Me and him stick together like paper and glue. See were twins (fraternally obviously!)  And we got each others back. Since our parents are always working hard, I mean I cant blame them. Im not one of those teenagers that hate there parents for not being there all the time, but I understand them; because hey, whose going to pay for the beautiful house we live in right? Besides they have been there for us when we need them, is just as we got older our needs grew, plus my brother and I are graduating this year so we need money to pay for college. EXPECIALLY an art college; But anyways im still babbling on. (see what I mean by me not being too good at these things.)  I go to Hollow Oak H.S. (yea right?) and let me just tell you, its just a regular school with regular people, and regular JERKS, SNOBBY cheerleaders, JERK FACE jocks(not to hate...of course)and the rest of the people who keep a low profile like my brother, I, his friends and my friends. Surprisingly my bro and I don’t 'hang' out together at school like we usually do at home or out of school, yea he knows my friends and his friends and I know another but we just don’t ‘hang’ together… at least before this whole mumbo jumbo mess came along. See my brother and I arnt as ‘normal’ as you think we are. We have this weird telekinesis connection. (yea weird)  although our parents don’t know, we keep it between me and him. Along with that weird gift we have another gift that only my brother, my best friend and I know. We can have ‘dream visions’ see, we have these freaky dinky visions in our dreams that pop out at random times only when our lives will change dramaticly for the better or worst (and trust me we get them very often), we sometimes get the same ones then again we sometimes don’t. But either way, we keep each other on check with that. But of cores everything changed when I had a freaky dink dream vision of alex… yes my brothers bet friend who is off limits to me… and my dream… lets just say it wasn’t something I was going to tell my brother… but if he ever found out… I would be DEAD! (not literally but he would do everything in his power not to make that vision come true… and when I mean everything, I mean e-v-e-r-y-thing. No matter if im the one who ends up hurt) but what was strange about my vision… was that alex was no ordinary guy, he… he was an angel or at least that wat i saw in my dream vision. How could this be possible? was i in a halloween party or something. maybe (at least i tried to conince my self) But my dreams never lie. Is it possible that hes a fallen angel, do they even exist?(fallen angel of course)  And from the looks of my vision it wasn’t good, at least not for my brother, see I have had a HUGE GINORMOUS crush on alex ever sense I met him, call me cheesy but it was love at first sight for me,  at leas but in this vision, we were diffinatly kissing… oh great, that was a problem. But what I question most was him and his angel like presence.But, how? Is this the big ‘secret’ that Daniel and alex were keeping from me? Looks like I just have to find out, one thing was for sure, alex would kiss me and I him, it was time to face my brother and the world even if it was between life or death…

The boy who i saw in my dreams (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now