The boy who i saw in my dreams

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  • Dedicated to this is dedicated to the boys who will never give up or stop fight for the girl

Hey guys! thanks so much for reading this story!! im going to start out and finish wat i can, but i might put a hold on it onlu  cause i have summer school ( no i didnt fail anything im just getting ahead :P)  soo i will be posting new chapters ASAP!!  Now i would tell you a little about the characters bbutt! i cant right know soo ill just give you there names!


Alexandria Moore 

Jamie Castillo

Aly McBell

Jess Carter

Rachel Naot 


 Alex Evans ( yes... win! )

Sam Jone 

Daniel Moore

Joe Jacobson

Jacob Motero

ok so i will give details later, try to figure out whos with who! *wink wink*  BUT they all dont start out as boyfriend and girlfiend thing, they all meet because of 2 people... guess which ones. 

THANKS AGAIN! :F :D for reading!!!!

The boy who i saw in my dreams (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now