Chapter 4

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A/N: I was able to slip in some free time, so I figured I'd give you all an update. I'll start typing for BAAM next time I get some free time

Although it was dark, I could see almost perfectly. The hunter led me down the cracking cement steps, ignoring my clws that had came out to scratch him. How he was able to ignor that, I shall never know. When I realized that the scratching wasn't doing any good, I decided to lengthen my teeth into their hidden large fangs, but by then I felt a heavy coldness on my wrists. I looked at the object encircling them, restraints, and a chain that connected them to the wall. The hunter roughly tightened them, so my arms were held above my head, and allowed me little movement. How could I have been stupid enough as to get myself into this mess?

The hunter took a few steps back as I took an angry snap at him. He smirked, looking at his handy work. Just then Lenny came in, morse like strided in. It was then that I smelled all the blood.

No, it wasn't Derrick's, no this blood was definitelt shifter blood. Scanning my eyes around the room, they landed on a big dark lump in the cornor on the other side of the room. I focused my eyes and realized what kind of shifter it was. A fox, or what was left of one anyway. It wasn't freshly dead, but it definitely wasn't rotting or decaying, the poor shifter must have been killed a couple of days ago. The stench of the corpse was being masked by the many cleaning products, however, nothing could cover up the smell of shifter's blood from another shifter.

The smell raised my anger that much higher.

"You psyco freak!" I spat in his face. "You murdering jerk!" I pulled against the chains, making the cuffs cut into my wrists.

Lenny scowled at me, stepping forward, with his hand raised in a fist. "You scrawny little b-!"

The hunter stopped him before he was able to strike me.

Lenny looked at his father in shocked surprise, not expecting his father to stop him from punching me.

"We don't want to cause any damage to that luxious fur hidden away there, now do we?" The hunter's smile was cruel. It was obvious he didn't care about my fur for me, but rather the money that was at stake for him if any harm came to the fur that was meant for its protentical buyer. The sick physco hasn't got a heart in his whole body. The Grinch had more of a heart than he does (and that's before the Grinch started to like Christmas).

I narrowed my eyes at him, and literally spat in his face this time.

The hunter before me frowned, wipping off the spit, looking at it in disgust briefly, then wiped it on his pants leg. He grinnded his teeth and balled up his fist. He wanted to pound my face in, at the least, but wouldn't. My well kept hidden fur was too precious for him to damage.

"C'mon, Lenny. I got some business to dicuss with your brother, Nathaniel. Where's Derrick?"

"Trashing up your office, as usual." Lenny kept glaring at me, as I him.

The hunter groaned in anger. "That boy's gonna cross the line a little too much one of these days!" The hunter looked back at me. "Watch that, will you, Lenny?"

Lenny gave a sharp nod. "It'd be my pleasure."

The hunter nodded, going up the stairs. Once he reached the top I coud hear him say, "don't hurt it....too much".

I need a thesaurus to discribe him right now.

A/N: Yeah, it's short (hint, short story - short chapters, and not many of them). I would make it longer, but I have to get ready for red, white and boom (I may be making this my last year going - it's been a disappointment for too long now). Anyway, if you live in the States, Happy 4th of July!!!

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