Chapter 21: Don't You Dare Hurt Him!

Start from the beginning

Kimiko felt weak because of blood lost so she leaned her head against Zero's shoulder. "K-Kimiko?" Zero was alarmed. He held Kimiko in his arms and tried to swim towards the edge.

"Kimiko, are you alright?" They were on the ground and Zero cradled her body closer to his. He gently pat her flustered cheek to wake her up. "I'm...fine" Her voice was barely audible.

Her long lashes were trembling as her eyes flattered open. "I'm fine" She said again to reassure him.

Zero sigh in relief. Shadow casted over his eyes, remembering that he's the cause of Kimiko's weak state. "I'm sorry" He said softly.

"It's alright. I understand"

Zero felt something warm grasping his cheek and saw Kimiko's hand caressing them. He doesn't want this warmth to go, so he boldly held her hand, pressing it closer to his cheek. He closed his eyes as he succumb to the warm feeling.

Unfortunately, the sweet moment was rudely cut off by gun shot. Kimiko's eyes widen and saw blood oozing out from Zero's shoulder. She forced her weak body to stand up and cover Zero behind her as she turned Apollo into a gun.

"I can't believe it. I'm killing my own student while the other one's protecting him" Toga grunts in annoyance. Kimiko glared at him while Zero was groaning in pain.

"Don't you dare hurt him!" It was the first time Kimiko expressed her anger to anyone, Toga was also surprised because of this.

Clicking his tongue in fury. "Kimiko! How dare you protect that vampire!" He screamed. "Get out of the way, or else you're coming with him!"

"I'd like to see you try" Her face was covered in frost, frightening and deadly. Her gun was pointing at him, not even hesitating to click the gun's hammer.

No one dared to move. Toga was furious of her aggressiveness. "You..." Seeing that Kimiko doesn't want to move, he tried to reason out with her.

"Do you know what you're doing, Kimiko? Protecting a Level E and even letting him drink your blood!"

"You don't need to understand the purpose of my actions, Toga. Besides, he's not a Level E." She fiercely retorts.

"Kimiko..." Zero softly spoke behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder. Zero stood up and went in front of her, facing the man he once called his teacher. His lilac eyes sadly gaze at Kimiko's, as if this will be the last time he'll see them.

"It's fine, Kimiko"

Kimiko was angry. Angry at Zero for not caring for his life. She grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. "No. I won't let you!" The gun was still pointing at them. Seeing that Zero accepts his fate, Toga prepared to click his hammer.

"You took things too far!" A voice yelled from afar. "I thought there may be a problem and look! This is a perfect example why I hate Vampire hunters!" Kaien forcedly grabbed the shotgun from Toga's hands.

"And how much longer are you going to keep a girl drench in cold water?" Kaien came towards Kimiko and Zero's side and wrapped them both on his green shawl. "You two must be freezing. Quickly! Go to back inside and take a warm shower before you catch a cold" He agitatedly said.

Zero took the initiative to wrapped the whole shawl on Kimiko and carried her towards the headmaster's house.

As they disappeared from their line of sight, Kaien mercilessly scolded Toga through out the night.


(Back at the Moon Dorm)

Because of the blood, the vampires created a fuss.

"This blood, it smells so good.."

"Who could it belong to?"

"It smells somewhat, familiar"

Kaname was clenching his fist in anger. For the first time in his life, he miscalculated. He didn't expect that Kimiko's blood would escape from her body and that Zero would take it. Yuki, who stayed behind was scared and confused at the vampires' behaviour. Kaname let her go back while escorting her on the gates personally to avoid another incident.

"I apologize for tonights ruckus, Yuki. Please immediately go back to your dorm" Kaname patted her head before turning his back on her.

Yuki sadly gaze at his retreating figure.


Edited on: September 23, 2018

Wow 2 chapters in one day! Author-chan is feeling generous today! Hahaha!

This will be the last chapter for this week, unfortunately you guys will have to wait for another week because of school. I'm really sorry guys, I hope you understand.

Please vote and comment. If you saw some grammatical errors, feel free to correct me so that I could fix it immediately.


The Kuran Twins (Vampire Knight Fan-fic) (Wattys2018)Where stories live. Discover now