"I don't think she would, but I didn't ask either."

"Want cookie." Theo repeated.

"Maybe later on after you eat some real food. I'm not sure what you'll be eating.... I... I don't know."

The second he started to pout, Zayn retook his attention. "Theo, why don't you go back and finish watching TV? I'll be back to watch with you in a minute."

He did follow directions immediately and when he left, Harry pointed to the cookies. "Want cookie." He mocked and Zayn chuckled.

"Is this what I'm going to have to endure for the rest of the evening?"

"Might I remind you, it's my birthday. I just wanted a simple night that only consisted of me and you. Instead, I'm forced to call you Veronica and I can't even pull out a package of cookies without him asking about them."

"I'm sorry." She leaned on his shoulder and linked her arm around one of his. "But it's still going to be a good night. I promise."


"You just wait and see. And I'm a little sad because you are so wrapped up in him, but have yet to give me a kiss and I was looking forward to that kiss."

He looked down at her and poked his lips out. She pecked them quickly and then let go of him so he could pull the rest of the food from the bags.

"He already seems a bit comfortable around you. I'm guessing you already know him?"

"Yeah, I've met him before. She brought him to work a few times.

"I figured so. But now that you mentioned work, I have one question ."


"What are you going to do with him tomorrow? You have to go to work and I'm pretty sure you won't be taking him."

"Of course not. We've got it all arranged. While we were at work today, I got all his things from her car and put it into mine, then I picked him up from daycare. So tomorrow, I'll just drop him off at daycare and when I get to work, I'll give her his things back and she'll pick him up. I won't miss a beat."

"Aha. So what arrangements have you made for my birthday? Or have you not made any at all?"

"Of course I made some. Unfortunately it won't be right to go through with them now with a child in the house. But I can figure out an alternative before the night ends."

Harry shook his head. "Suddenly we need alternatives? Wow, Mommy mode just doesn't fit you. I hate it."

"You can hate it all you want. But you will find a way to deal with it for a few hours." She folded her arms and left the kitchen.

"Yeah. I guess I will." He replied but then mumbled to himself grumpily. "I don't have a choice."




For dinner, Zayn made steamed broccoli and meatloaf with a baked potatoes. Theo ate a little bit of everything and ate it very quickly.

"I want cookie now. I eat." Was the first thing he said when dinner was over and Harry couldn't contain his laughter. "He's smarter than we thought, Z. He remembered what I said."

"Yeah I know he is. Go on and give him the cookie. I'll worry about Natalie later."

Right after that, Zayn and Harry elected to curl up in front of a movie. Unfortunately, they had to decide on something that came on TV because Theo wouldn't stop talking and they were more than positive he'd ruin anything they hadn't already seen. So the three of them sat on the couch and they snacked on those cookies until they got tired and were no longer wanting any more sweets. Theo mostly just licked the icing off of the one he'd gotten though.

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