"Why are men so stupid?" Karlie asked angrily, Taylor wasn't sure if she should even attempt to answer. To her relief, the younger girl continued talking, "It's not just that they are stupid, it's that they are inconsiderate to other's feelings. Like, they call us dramatic and emotional, but it's so quick to hurt their ego. Like there is nothing bigger than a man's ego, it's like their ego is overcompensating for what they don't have between their legs. They think they are so good at everything! Don't they know we fake it 95% of the time?!"

Taylor wanted to laugh, she found a mad Karlie to be utterly entertaining and endearing, but she kept her mouth shut, not wanting to piss the younger girl off any more.

"He has no respect for what I want!" Karlie kept rambling, "You know what he just said?! He called and said 'So when are you coming home? Are you over your stupid little daydream of yours?' And then when I start calling him out on his bullshit he's all 'you know what, I'll call you later when you start being more reasonable.' Like, fuck him, who does he think he is?! I swear everything he says sounds like an insult. Like, he could at least pretend to care!"

"I'm sorry," Taylor said honestly once Karlie stopped rambling. She was met by fiery green eyes, but there was something else there, a look that Taylor knew all too well.

Almost as soon as Taylor recognize it, Karlie had sprang forward, taking Taylor's face in her hands, she tilted her head slightly as she leaned forward, their lips meeting for the first time soon after. Taylor was surprised by the girl's sudden actions but reciprocated them, tilting her own head back slightly to accommodate to the height difference. Karlie's bare lips felt soft and smooth under her own, her hands quickly reached forward, holding onto Karlie's waist.

Taylor pulled back quicker than she would've liked, she was surprised by how out of breath she had become. Karlie was also breathing much heavier, catching her breath. "I'm not trying to stop you, if you're looking for someone to tell you this is wrong, you came to the wrong person."

"I don't want you to stop me," Karlie said without a doubt.

That was all Taylor needed to hear. She swiftly ran her hands under Karlie's thighs, lifting her up. Karlie quickly wrapped her legs around Taylor's waist, her arms around her neck. Their lips connected once more, and as they did Taylor walked forward until she had Karlie between her and a wall. As she did, the sounds of the trays made as she stepped on them could be heard loudly in the room, in the distance, music was playing from the bar's speakers. But neither girl noticed anything, both too consumed in the kiss.

With Karlie securely against the wall, Taylor took the chance to slowly run her hands over the girl's thighs. The motion cause Karlie to moan, Taylor quickly took her chance and stuck her tongue out, running it over the girl's lips before entering them. Karlie tasted of a pleasant mixture of cherries and toothpaste. Eventually it was too much for either girl, having to pull away to catch their breath, but they kept their foreheads against each other.

"We should... we should go back to my apartment," Karlie said between breaths.

"Don't you have to work?" Taylor pointed out, her breathing as uneven as Karlie's.

"We close in a few hours, I'm sure someone can take over." Karlie said, wrapping herself closer to Taylor.

"Okay," Taylor said, pulling from the wall to allow Karlie to jump down. "While you take care of that, I'll get my car."



The ride to Karlie's apartment was filled with awkward silence, neither girl seemed to know what to say, knowing what would be happening. Once they arrived to the brunet's apartment, Taylor decided she would give the younger girl an out. It was easy to get lost in a moment of heat and say things you would later regret, she didn't want to hold Karlie accountable for things she probably said out of anger.

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