Chapter Forty- Four: Teenagers

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"Get out!" Cristiano sighed listening to his children fighting yet again. He knew since there were two boys and a girl it was bound to happen but he hated it.

Lilliana's ban on no more children had been forgotten the minute she had seen her husband on the night of their third anniversary. He had managed to seduce her by walking out of the shower and six weeks later she found out she was pregnant again.

"Dad!" Hope screamed making her father groan as he got off the couch and walked upstairs to where his daughter was.

"What now?" Cristiano asked watching his fifteen year old son running out of the room and into his own one.

"Matthew is annoying me again, I promise you if he doesn't stop he'll be in a body bag one day," Hope said making her father chuckle as James walked out of his own room.

"Boo hoo, grow up," James said as he looked at his older sister who rolled her eyes as she finished with her heels and walked towards him.

"At least I don't still cry to my madre after a horror movie," Hope teased as she walked passed her father and brother.

Cristiano chuckled softly as he smacked his son over the back of the head wishing he and Matthew would leave Hope alone. They were a lot taller than her and continued to put her things up high when she needed them.

"Heads up, Hope's going out with an older man... and he's driving, possibly not just his car. You may thank me later, I like my payment in football boots," James smiled as he walked away from his father who quickly ran after his daughter.

"Where do you think you're going?" Lilliana asked before Cristiano could open his mouth to their daughter.

"Out with friends," Hope mumbled as she looked up at her parents knowing they couldn't know where she was going or who she was going with.

"How old are these 'friends'?" Cristiano asked making his daughter roll her eyes as she looked at him before grabbing her bag.

"My age," Hope said as she walked away from her parents and out the door with Cristiano quickly following on.

Cristiano pulled the door open and chocked watching his daughter making out with a man by his car.

"Hope get back inside right now," Cristiano said calmly not wanting to yell at his daughter. He hated when they fought and he didn't want to start a fight now.

"I'll be back in a minute," Hope said as she looked at the man leaning on the car smirking at the footballer.

"Sod off," Cristiano spat as he closed the door and followed his daughter into the living room where she was standing with her hands on her hips.

"First of all, hands off and don't give me any attitude. You're still my daughter," Cristiano started making Hope sigh as she sat on the sofa and looked up at her father.

"How old is he?" Cristiano asked making his daughter look down and pick at her nails knowing she had done wrong.

"Twenty two," Hope mumbled making her mother and father stare at her knowing exactly what that boy wanted.

"Twenty two? Four years older than you? Seriously Hope? You're still a minor!" Cristiano yelled making his daughter flinch and look up at him.

"Well I'll be eighteen soon anyway," Hope said as she stood back up and watched her father who was growing angrier by the second while Lilliana stared at her daughter wondering where she had gotten that from.

"I don't care what age you are, he's too old for you and you're not going out with him," Cristiano said making his daughter shake her head wondering why she couldn't do it if her friends were.

"This is so unfair," Hope whispered making her parents look at her wondering why she had changed so much.

"No Hope, what's unfair is your madre and I having to worry about you when you should be out having fun with people your own age," Cristiano said making Hope shake her head and look at her father and mother.

"I hate you both, I wish I had better parents," Hope spat as she stomped out of the room pushing Matthew to the floor on the way.

"Matt," Cristiano said softly as the fifteen year old got up holding in his tears so he didn't look weak.

Cristiano opened his arms allowing his little boy to run into them. He knew the boy was afraid of his sister and he didn't blame him.

"She's not the same," Matthew whispered as Lilliana stood up and joined the hug while looking at the newest family portrait knowing the seventeen year old had been so different in January.


"Hope?" Cristiano asked softly as he walked into her bedroom watching her looking through something on her bed while wearing one of her fathers old jerseys.

Hope looked up from the bed with tears falling down her cheeks as she got off the bed and rushed into her fathers arms.

"I'm so sorry padre," Hope whispered as she cried into her fathers chest making him smile softly as he kissed the top of her head.

"We only do it because we love you and want you to be safe," Cristiano said making his daughter nod as she kept her arms wrapped tightly around him as he sat them on the bed.

"Hope, your madre and I aren't trying to be mean but a twenty two year old man would only want to have sex with you and you'd end up pregnant and alone. We don't want that for you," Cristiano said making Hope nod as she smiled softly before sniffling and wiping away more tears.

"Lucy's five months pregnant," Hope murmured wishing her best friend hadn't of gone with the guy and ended up getting pregnant.

"And that's what we wanted to protect you from, you understand that now right?" Cristiano asked making Hope nod as she kissed his cheek and cuddled into his arms; she couldn't believe she had almost gone with him.

Cristiano held his daughter tightly knowing if a man ever got her pregnant and left her he'd chase him down and kill him with his bare hands.


A/N: Only three more chapters x

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