Chapter Thirty- Four: Phone Calls Home

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Lilliana sighed as she rested a hand on her small seventeen week bump as she listened to her daughter playing with her dolls in the living room.

Lilliana couldn't believe it was November already and the small family had been living in France for four months but it wasn't getting any easier for them.

"I'm home," Cristiano called as he walked into the front hall and let his training bag hit the floor.

"Daddy!" Hope cheered as she dropped her dolls and rushed out to greet her father who smiled as he picked her up and cuddled her close.

"Lil?" Cristiano asked as he walked into the kitchen and smiled watching his wife before he moved forward and rested a hand on her bump.

"I have a game on November 25th you might want to come to," Cristiano murmured as he kissed his wife softly while she looked up at him confused.

"Madrid are coming to town," Cristiano said making Lilliana stop and look up at him.

"Really?" Lilliana asked in a small voice. She's constantly missing her home and friends but she knew Cristiano had no choice but to do this.

Cristiano nodded as he let his little girl stand on the floor and run off to the living room again; there was something seriously wrong with his wife.

"What's wrong mi amor?" Cristiano softly as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close.

"It's silly," Lilliana said as she shook her head and tried to move away from her husband who only pulled her tighter.

"Babe," Cristiano said as he brushed his lips against her neck wanting her to open up to him.

"There's something in the house. I don't know what but when I was downstairs with Hope there was footsteps upstairs and I knew you hadn't come home and nobody else was in the house or on the property," Lilliana said softly knowing he was going to think she was being stupid for believing that but she couldn't help it; she knows what she heard.

"Lil, don't be silly," Cristiano chuckled as he pulled away and kissed his wife before jogging upstairs for a shower.

Lilliana frowned as she heard the phone ring and moved towards it; she couldn't believe Cristiano had laughed at her.

"Hello?" Lilliana asked as she picked up the phone and was greeted with the happy voice of Dolores.

"Hola Lilliana how are things in France?" Dolores asked. It had been awhile since she had spoken to them and she missed the three of them terribly.

"Horrible, I hate it here," Lilliana said as tears spring to her eyes as her daughter sat next to her and cuddled into her mothers side.

"Oh, that bad," Dolores mused as Lilliana proceeded to tell her what she had told Cristiano earlier and got a completely different reaction.

"Well it wouldn't be the first time something like that has happened and in France? I can definitely tell you you're not going mad," Dolores mused as Lilliana started to cry making Hope hug her mother tightly.

"I want to go home. This isn't home for us and it never will be," Lilliana cried making Dolores feel sorry for the woman. She knew her daughter- in- law was struggling with being pregnant and being away from home but there was nothing they could do; Perez had caused the family all this pain.

"Hope wants to talk to you, I'll talk to you again soon. Bye Dolores," Lilliana said before she handed the phone to her daughter and left the room leaving them talk in peace as she walked to the bathroom to wash her face before Cristiano could see her.


"I've been thinking about the baby's nursery," Cristiano mused as he ran his hand up and down his wife's leg as they sat in bed reading with Hope further down the bed watching a DVD.

Lilliana nodded as she stayed focused on her book wondering how she could prove it to Cristiano that there's something in the house with them.

"We should find out what we're having so I can start on the nursery," Cristiano said as he looked at Lilliana who looked at him and nodded softly as she grinned.

"And I know the perfect room," Lilliana smiled. The room she had in mind was big enough and it would be perfect for their baby.

Cristiano nodded as he kissed his wife before she lay down and closed her eyes wanting to go to sleep quickly.

"Come on mi princesa, bedtime," Cristiano smiled as Hope held her arms out to her father and cuddled into him once she was in his arms.

"Papa, is mama okay?" Hope asked as Cristiano walked into her room and lay her on her bed before kneeling beside her.

"Of course mamas okay, why?" Cristiano asked as he tucked his daughter in. He didn't see why his wife wouldn't be okay but he'd listen to his daughter anyway.

"She cry on the phone tewwing abuela she hate house and want to go our home," Hope said making Cristiano sigh wondering why his wife hadn't talked to him about this.

"It'll just take some getting used to, now cuddled down and go to sleep," Cristiano said as he kissed his daughters head and stood up going to walk out of the room when he got a shiver and looked around spotting nothing unusual about the room.

Cristiano wasn't long back in bed when he heard his daughter scream for her parents making Lilliana jolt awake as they both ran from their room and into Hope's.

"What is it?" Cristiano asked as he and Lilliana walked towards their daughter. He had never heard his daughter scream like that before and it scared him.

"There lady," Hope said as she pointed to her wardrobe making Lilliana look at her husband.

"I told you," Lilliana whispered making Cristiano shake his head. They were both being silly and it would just take awhile to get used to.

"There's nothing there mi princesa, you're just being silly," Cristiano said as he kissed her head.

Both of them sat in the room until Hope had fallen into a peaceful sleep then left the room for their own.

"What's it going to take Cristiano? Our daughter getting scared to death before you believe me?" Lilliana asked as she looked at her husband as she watched Cristiano shaking his head.

"Babe, there's nothing in the house," Cristiano said as he pulled her close and walked into their own room where Lilliana huffed and lay down not looking at her husband.

Cristiano sighed as he lay down wondering why Lilliana seemed so adamant on this and he knew Hope's mind was just running wild.

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