Chapter Forty- One: Big Sister

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Cristiano smiled as he looked at his son who was still fast asleep in the hospital crib beside his mother who was also asleep.

Cristiano couldn't be happier that his son and wife were okay after the birth. Things had been touch and go at the start when James had been stressed out but he calmed down and things had gone back to normal.

Cristiano knew he was lucky to have his son here, he had been terrified that they had lost the little boy during their spell in France; it had been a stressful time and Cristiano was wondering how James had survived.

"Have you even slept?" Lilliana yawned making her husband look at her and nod softly as he pressed a kiss to her lips and smiled at her.

"I had a couple of hours... Sergio is bringing Hope in at nine," Cristiano said as he looked at James. The newborn was so quiet and they hoped he'd stay that way.

"That gives us half an hour... I need to feed James, can you get him up?" Lilliana asked as she sat up and started fixing her nursing bra.

Cristiano grinned as he gently unwrapped James from his blanket. He remembered how nervous he was with  Hope and he was glad he had gotten over it.


Cristiano grinned listening to his daughters footsteps outside the door. He had told Sergio what room they were in and Cristiano couldn't wait for his daughter to meet her little brother.

"Papa?" Hope whispered as she poked her little head in the door and grinned at her father who crouched down and allowed her to run into his arms.

"I got present mama and baba," Hope said as Cristiano lifted her up and sat her on the bed. James was with the nurses at the moment but he'd be back soon.

"Thank you sweetie," Lilliana smiled as Cristiano set her on the bed while looking over at Sergio and Clarissa and mouthing thank you.

"Open," Hope said as she handed the bag to her mother who grinned as she kissed her daughters cheek and opened the bag.

She stared at her husband not believing that he had gotten her an 'Alex and Ani' bracelet.

"Cris," Lilliana whispered making Cristiano smiled as he fixed it on her wrist as she kissed him softly.

"Thank you," Lilliana said making Cristiano shake his head as he smiled at her. She deserved more than that but he didn't know what else to do for her.

"We got baba daddy top," Hope mumbled as she took Cristiano's Real Madrid jersey out of the bag.

"He's going to love that," Lilliana said making her daughter smile as she lay down on her mothers stomach. She wanted to meet her brother and she didn't know where he is.


"Hope... there's someone who wants to meet you," Lilliana said softly as Cristiano walked over with their son. Hope had quickly fallen asleep on her mothers stomach and now that James was back they wanted the two siblings to meet.

"Hope, this is James," Cristiano said softly as he sat on the bed with his son securely nestled in his arms.

"He's weally small," Hope whispered as she looked at the little boy with a small smile on her lips. She was so excited to have a baby brother and she knew she'd be the best big sister ever.

"He is... you're going to have to be a big girl and help mama when papas not around okay?" Cristiano asked making his daughter look up at him.

Hope nodded eagerly knowing she'd help her mother with anything she needed for James, well anything she could reach.

Lilliana smiled watching her husband and two children. She knew they'd be her favourite sight forever and she also knew she'd never be pushing another baby into the world; two was enough for her.

Cristiano grinned watching his daughter quietly talking with his son. The two and their mother were the most important people in his lives and he knew he'd always do anything for them; he'd give up football for them if it was needed, and coming from Cristiano that was a big thing.

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