Chapter Sixteen: Lucky Escape

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Cristiano smiled softly as he watched his wife sleep peacefully in the hospital bed. It had been two hours since Hope Dolores Aveiro Martinez had been born and Cristiano had yet to hear anything or see his baby.

"Mr. Ronaldo?"The doctor asked as he stepped into the room making the footballer look up at him and stand up.

"Your baby is making great progress and you may go see her now. Lilliana can head home today but we're going to keep the baby in until Saturday just to monitor her but we don't see why she shouldn't be able to go home with you"The doctor said making Cristiano sigh in relief and thank him as the midwife brought in a wheelchair for Lilliana.

"Lil, amor wake up"Cristiano whispered softly making Lilliana blink before opening her eyes.

"We can go see her now"Cristiano smiled as he helped his wife out of bed and into the wheelchair.

On the way down to the room Cristiano explained what was going to be happening and Lilliana was adamant on staying in hospital until her baby could go home but Cristiano had quickly stopped her.

"There she is"Cristiano whispered in awe as he looked at his little girl through the glass incubator.

"She's beautiful"Lilliana whispered as she rested her hand on Cristiano's shoulder as he crouched next to her.

Cristiano smiled as he put his finger in through one of the holes and his breath caught in his throat as his little girl grabbed it.

"Hey princess, I'm your daddy"Cristiano whispered making Lilliana smile as she kissed the top of his head and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

When she had met Cristiano he had only been twenty seven and had no interest in marriage or children. Now he's here, at twenty nine, a married man and almost crying over his little girl.


"She's beautiful"Dolores said as she looked at the phone her daughter- in- law had handed her. Cristiano had managed to get a picture of the little girl with her brown eyes wide open and he was currently pouting because it had been taken off him.

"She is"Lilliana agreed as she sat back against her husbands side as he pulled her close and kissed her temple.

"She's so tiny"Dolores smiled making her son nod as he watched her look at the picture; he could already tell Hope would be her favourite grandchild but she wouldn't show it.

"She was only 4lbs 3oz"Cristiano said making Dolores nod. Cristiano had been worried when he heard how small his baby had been but she's making good progress.

"Well, you don't need to worry. With parents like you two, she'll be strong and will be home with you in no time"Dolores assured making Cristiano smile; he was glad his mother would be there for them when Lilliana's family had bailed on them.


"Cris you didn't have to do all this"Lilliana said as she watched her husband set the Chinese take away in front of her.

Cristiano had been cleaning all day and then decided to go out for food leaving Lilliana with nothing to do.

"Amor, you just gave birth. I needed to do something"Cristiano mused as he kissed his wife before sitting back and watching TV with her.

"I wonder how she's doing"Lilliana murmured making Cristiano smile softly thinking of his little girl.

"She's probably doing great and not to mention being busy being the cutest baby in the room"Cristiano mused making his wife smile at him as she kissed him softly.

"She'll be okay right? When she gets out"Lilliana said making the footballer chuckle and nod.

"She'll be perfectly fine"Cristiano said as he kissed his wife knowing they were going to take care of the little girl and make sure she has everything she needs.

"Sergio and Clarissa are coming around when she comes home just to meet her"Lilliana mused making her husband nod knowing the other couple had been dying to meet the little girl,

"I love you Lil"Cristiano whispered while holding his wife close to his chest.

"I love you too"Lilliana said as she kissed him back knowing he is going to be a great father to their little girl and he'd protect them both from anything that may harm them.

The Flight AttendantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora