Chapter Twenty- Nine: Holidays In Ibiza

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Lilliana sighed and brushed her hair from her face as she fell back on the hotel bed. It had been a long day of travelling and she was glad to relax for a minute.

She was glad Hope had slept for most of the day and she could hear Cristiano talking to the bell boy; she just wanted him to come in so they could take a nap.

Lilliana smiled as she looked at her daughter who was fast asleep in her stroller. The little girl is now ten months old and Lilliana couldn't believe how fast the first year of her daughters life had gone.

"I'm so tired," Cristiano murmured as he walked into the room and lay down beside his wife while pulling her close and kissing her neck softly before they both looked at their daughter.

"She's a good girl," Cristiano whispered making his wife nod as she cuddled closer to her husband. She couldn't believe how long she had lasted without him but she never wanted to do it again.

"Come on, we should sleep," Cristiano said as he kissed his wife again before closing his eyes wanting to sleep for a little while. It was only six am and they had the whole day when they woke up.


Cristiano smiled as he watched his wife and daughter down by the edge of the water. He had come up to reapply his sunblock after his wife had demanded it.

Slowly walking down, Cristiano chuckled watching his daughter splashing in the shallow part of the water while Lilliana watched her with a smile.

He loved seeing his wife so happy and he knew that Hope was enjoying being in a new place and he knew she'd get the opportunity to do a lot more as a child than he had.

"Are you covered?" Lilliana asked as Cristiano sat next to her and kissed her cheek before watching Hope again.

"Completely," Cristiano smiled as Hope crawled up to her parents and handed her mother and father the shells she had found.

Cristiano grinned as he picked up his daughter and carried her further into the water while signalling for his wife to follow him.

He gently placed his daughter down while holding her so she wouldn't go to far down and go underwater; he wanted her to like the water not hate it.

"Do you like that?" Lilliana smiled as she fixed the hat on her daughters head so the sun would stay out of her eyes.

Cristiano smiled as his daughter splashed around and clapped. It was obvious that she liked the water and Cristiano liked that.


"Come on princess," Cristiano sighed as he looked down at his daughter as she lay on the bed not moving for her father. He had sent Lilliana to relax before she got ready for dinner and now his daughter was being difficult.

"I will leave you behind," Cristiano threatened but his daughter just stared up at him with a smile on her face making Cristiano groan.

"Even you know that's a complete lie," Cristiano sighed as he picked her up knowing he was going to have to start being tough with Hope. She's almost one and she knows what she's doing now.

"Papa," Hope cried as she struggled to get out of her fathers grip. She didn't want to get dressed and she didn't want to go out but she didn't have a choice in this case.

"Are you murdering her?" Lilliana teased as she walked into the room and looked at her husband as he finally got on the pink dress.

"She was being difficult," Cristiano sighed as Hope started to cry not liking that she had been dressed and her father had never been hard on her.

"Papas sorry but you can't be difficult," Cristiano sighed as he tried to hug Hope but she just pushed him away and lifted her arms up to her mother.

Cristiano looked at his daughter and frowned not liking what had just happened but he quickly realised, this was the hard part of parenting.


"She hates me," Cristiano murmured as he sipped on his drink while watching Hope as she sat in her high chair playing with her dolls.

"She does not hate you," Lilliana said as she smiled at her husband. She knew this would happen a lot since Hope was his princess and Cristiano was afraid of missing anything.

Hope refused to look at her father after what had happened in the hotel room and Lilliana knew that the little girl had her ability to hold a grudge; not that it would be bad later on in life.

Lilliana knew Hope didn't hate her father and she was just being difficult. She would be back to normal in a little while.

"I'll be back in a minute," Cristiano murmured as he got up and walked towards the bathroom making Lilliana sigh and look after him as Hope looked at where her father Swas sitting a few moments ago.

"Papa?" Hope asked as she looked at her mother. She may have been upset but she didn't like that her father was gone and she wanted him back.

Lilliana laughed softly as she looked at Hope knowing that was the way her and Cristiano's relationship would work out and it would only get worse when she eventually grew up into a teenager.

The Flight AttendantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora