Chapter Six

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Anita took Katherine to the office, where they found her schedule.

"Oh look! We have poetry together!" Anita said happily.

"That's most exciting indeed!"

They walked to the class together, and walked in.

The class was small, with only about ten other students. The teacher was short and had large tortoise shell glasses.

His hair was frizzy and sticking up in the back, a dark grey.

"Please, have a seat." He said, a kind smile on his face.

Both girls sat down while Katherine tried to contain her excitement. It was just like it was in the books!

There was teachers and students and desks and chairs and busses and pencils and-

"Katherine Hathaway? Is she not here?" The teacher asked.

"No, my apologies. I am here." Katherine raised her hand a bit. "How does he know my name?"

Anita laughed lightly. "That's the attendance list."

"In this class I want you to go deep, deep inside your emotions and find what you can't say with words, and write it into your poetry." The teacher explained. "I am Mr. Weaving, and I majored in creative writing and poetry. We will be studying and decoding famous poems along with making our own."

He walked and gave everyone a piece of paper.

"Just for the first day, I would love a sample of some of your poetry. It can be about anything. Look for inspiration in your soul and even in this room! You have the block to finish, and even if you don't, no problem."

Anita looked at her paper and sighed. "I'm only taking this course because I needed more credits. I suck at poetry."

"I am positive this is not true." Katherine smiled. She then turned to look at her blank paper, and picked up a pencil from the jar on the table.

She thought and thought.

She thought about writing about Asgard, but she didn't think she was allowed.

Looking around the room, she stopped at Anita, who was chewing on her pencil in thought.

Getting an idea, Katherine started writing.

Soon the teacher cleared his throat. "I'm going to collect the poems now, don't worry if you're not finished."

He walked around and took each one, and Katherine smiled brightly as he took hers.

He glanced over each one briefly, then stopped.

"Miss Hathaway, this is very lovely." He said. "May I read it aloud?"

Katherine blushed and nodded, avoiding looking at Anita.

"When angels visit us," he said. "We do not hear the rustle of wings, nor feel the feathery touch of the breast of a dove; they stay innocent of all the world's sins and hurt.

The beautiful, white angel."

Everyone clapped and Anita shoved Katherine playfully.

"That's impressive. You have a way with words."

"Thank you," Katherine said. "I suppose I get it from my father."

"If you don't mind me asking," Anita pulled her chair a bit closer.

"Where are you from? And what happened to your eyes? Are those contacts?"

Katherine thought about her answer for a moment.

Katherine (Sequel to 'Ophelia')Where stories live. Discover now