Sami was getting angry. " You would never have been able to do that brother, and you know it." Spat Sami.

" Yeah, I wouldn't have been able to then, but now I don't give a crap." Says Evan.

Sami nodded at Magnus. They stuck both their hands out and not only their hands, but their bodies started glowing bright blue.

Evan's eyes went wide. They were both powerful. They were building up power. Evan had to stop or of them before they tried to kill him, and he knew how.

He looked around till his eyes settled on Alec who was watching them, not sure what to do. When he saw the evil smirk of Evans face as he stared at him, a spark of fear filled him. " Uh oh." Whispered Alec.

Evan laughed as he shot a huge fire ball straight at Alec. Magnus gasped. " ALEXANDER!!!!!" Yelled Magnus.

Alec knew he had no chance to avoid it, but just as it hit, he was shoved out of the way and the fire ball hit the person who pushed him out of the way.

When Alec looked, he couldn't believe who had pushed him. Sami laid there on the ground by the wall motionless, most of his body was burnt. He was bleeding badly in a few spots. His shirt was even smoldering, and some of his hair had been singed. Alec couldn't tell if he was dead or alive. He could only hope he was alive.

Evan growled and stared at his older brothers body in disgust. " I guess he really did care for you guys enough to take the blow and save you. Oh well now that he's gone it's time to get rid of you guys."

Evan started shooting blasts of power all over the room, hitting desks and chairs, sending it and the contents that were on it flying and landing in random places throughout the room.

Alec and Magnus barely had anytime to dodge the blasts that were shot everywhere.

Things were scattered everywhere. " I wish you guys had just stayed quietly in that cell and let me kill you without a fight, this right here would not be happening and I wouldn't have had to do that to my own brother, but you guys left me no choice, and now I'm going to kill you. Whether you like it or not." Says Evan.

He kept shooting sparks around everywhere. Magnus dived and shot a blast of his own power at Evan.

Evan dodged it, and shot a blast of his own at Magnus. It hit Magnus's foot, forcing him to trip. Magnus winced. Evan got ready to shoot another blast at Magnus. " So you don't even care that you just possibly killed your own brother?" Says Alec, trying to distract Evan away from Magnus.

" No I don't care. He did that himself, jumping in front of the fire ball that was meant for you and would kill you on contact was his choice. If it killed him so be it. I was going to kill him anyway." Spat Evan.

" I would never be able to do that to my own family." Says Alec.

" Well of course not. Your weak and puny. You couldn't do a thing. You couldn't even throw the dagger that killed me. You had your stupid Parabatai do it. How weak." Says Evan.

" First of all I was going to do it, but he took it from and said to let him do it, I just didn't argue." Says Alec.

" Secondly, he's not weak or puny. If anyone is, it's you. Possibly killing your own brother and not caring is what makes you weak and puny." Says Magnus.

" Then just what is it that makes you guys so powerful? I'm a very powerful Warlock with all the power I want and more I could get and I'm up against a weak little Shadowhunter and a Warlock that just so happened to get more power in less then a day. How could I be weak and you guys be more powerful?" Says Evan.

" We work together and combine our powers and what we can do. That makes us stronger. You would never know that though. You possibly killed and betrayed you brother, and for what? He was doing the right thing. He loved you Evan, he cared for you and did his job as a older brother, and you possibly killed him." Says Magnus.


" He did that because he loves you Evan. He gave you what you wanted and tried to take some when you got to much because he was afraid you would go power crazy like you are now and turn on him, which you did." Spat Magnus.

" He was weak, that's it, and I'm done with this stupid, pointless conversation. It's time to put a stop to your pathetic meaningless lives." Spat Evan.

He put his hands out and screamed in rage. Sparks flew everywhere and struck the walls and floors like lightning. Somehow wind filled the room and picked things up off the ground,they started spinning around the room carried by the wind.

Magnus and Alec hand to hold on to something to keep from being blown away.

Evan had a wicked grin on his face. " YOU ALL WILL DIE TONIGHT, THEN I'LL RULE THE WORLD!!"

He laughed and a wave of power went out around him. " HA, NOTHING CAN STOP ME, I'M UNTOUCHA... " but he was stopped mid sentence by something he never thought would happen.

The tip of a sword was sticking out of his chest. It went straight into his heart. In Evan's shock, everything stopped and fell to the ground. Magnus and Alec stared in shock.

They saw the sword and followed it till they saw the owner of that sword, the person that stabbed Evan and held the handle.

It was Sami.

Sami shoved the sword deeper. Evan groaned. " I'm sorry brother, I'm so sorry." Says Sami.

" Why Sami... why... did you bring me back... in the first place, what was... the point? You could have... Left me.. D-dead, b-but yet you brought me back... Why?" Evan could barely get the words out.

Blood soaked his shirt. Sami was mostly healed thanks to his new powers, but his face and eyes were full of sadness. He then answered Evan as he lowered his now limp body to the ground.

" I just wanted my brother back."

Evan looked at Sami, but said nothing. He just looked back at the ruff and closed his eyes. He didn't breath again. Evan was finally dead.

Sami closed his eyes and tears rolled down his face, leaving red streaks from the blood that had dried up on his face from the fire ball.

The others came in and stared wide eyed at what they saw. Sami put his head down. Tears were still rolling down his face and his shoulders were shaking, proving he was crying.

Sami carefully took out the sword and place Evan's limp hands neatly on his stomach. Then whispered something. " I love you Evan, I always will."

He then stood up and wiped the tears off of his face and walked to the others.

Jia, and Robert then went to Evan's body and confirmed he was dead. Sami looked away.

He couldn't stand to look at his body anymore. Evan was finally dead, everything could finally go back to normal.

There they stood, speechless with looks of shock on their faces. It was hard to believe that Evan was gone and this battle and nightmare was finally over.

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