When we walked in her jaw dropped.

"What the fuck is goin on in here"i went next to her and saw these niggas had some nasty ass bitches dancing butt ass naked

"All you mothefuckas get yall triflin ass out of my house"Chyna said giving me lil T

My eyes instantly searched for Chris.

She snatched everything they had on the table and threw it at them.

"Where the fuck is Tyga and Chris "she said turning off the music

"They left with some girl"Sean said getting up

"Oh hell naw,Yall just get yall shit and get out"

When they left i sat on the couch with her and the baby.

"His ass gone have it when he come in here"I laughed

"Yea he better"She smiled

"Oh yea let me give you this stuff for Ladybug"she got up and went to her room.

She came back with a bag full of stuff.

"Thats all for her"she handed the bag to me

"Thanks babes"i gave her a hug

It was now 10 and i heard them come through the door.The first one i saw was Tyga,Chyna hopped up.

"Where the fuck yall been,Go leave these triflin as niggas in my house with some nasty ass hoes"she walked over to him

"Calm down,me and Chris left when they had brought them over here"he put his keys on the table

"Ok then who was the bitch yall left with then"he looked at her then Chris

"Nobody"she smacked her lips and went to their room

I looked at Chris,rolled my eyes and went to the car,Chris followed behind me.

"Ayy you should let me drive"i threw him the keys and got in the car

"So where did yall go"i asked him

"We just went to take some drunk ass girl home"

"Aw it took yall hours to take her home"

"Yea because she didnt know where she lived"

"Aw ok"i said in a non believing voice,he smacked his lips

When we got home i didnt say anything to him,I saw Alex on the couch sleep.I just took a shower and went to check on Caylee.She was sleep so i went back to the room and layed down.I felt Chris sit on the side of the bed.

"So are we gonna talk about this"i turned over and closed my eyes


"Chris we have nothing to talk about"he smacked his lips

"Camil i jus-"

"Whatever Chris im goin to sleep"and with that i went to sleep

The next morning i still wasnt talking to Chris.I took me a shower and went in Caylee's room and washed her up when i was done I stayed in there and played with her until she fell asleep.

I went in the kitchen and fixed me some breakfast.I took out my phone and called Chyna.

"Hey bug"she said in a sleepy voice

"Hey what you doin"

"Nothing just woke up bout to fix me something to eat"

"Aw so what happened with Tyga"

"Nun i cussed his ass out and went to sleep"i laughed

"Girl you crazy"

"I wasnt playing with his ass but i havent said nothing to him all morning,What happened with Chris"

"Shit i havent said nun to him since we got in the house"she laughed

"I feel you girl,well im gonna fix me something to eat so will call you later bug"

"Ok bye babes"

When i was done cooking Chris came in the kitchen.I sat on the counter.

"Something smells good as hell"he looked at me i rolled my eyes

"Is it for me"i shugged and put in my headphones ,he walked over to me and stood between my legs

"Camil"i couldn't hear him because the song dance for you by Beyonce was playing through the headphones,he took one out of my ear


"What Chris"

"Are you mad at me"i looked at him

"Nope not at all"i said a sarcastic voice

"Why are you mad i told you what happened"

"Chris i told you im not mad so just drop it"

"What the fuck is your problem"i didnt answer

"Camil im tired of this shit with you and im not about to put up with it"i hopped off the counter and went in the living room and he followed

"Fucking talk to me"i sat on the couch

"I dont have shit to say to you"

"You know what fuck this i give up"he went upstairs got dressed and left.

I just spent the rest of the day with my angel.Chris was gone all day,Cierra was with Shad and Alex was on a date me and Sheron set her up on.It was with Chris friend Kevin and Sheron was at her parents house for the weekend so we was riding solo today.

I was laying on the bed with Caylee on my chest slobbing all on my shirt.I heard Chris come in the house,he came in the room took off his shirt and pants and went into the bathroom.

He came out in just his basketball shorts and layed by me.

"Let me see me wittle baby girl"he said in a baby voice,i handed Caylee to him

After he played with her she fell asleep.I put her in her crib and went back to the room.

I took off my wet shirt and looked in the drawer for another one.I felt Chris wrap his arms around my waist.

"Oh shit"i thought to myself

Team Breezzy<3 Annnn1

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