"Adri, don't do that," Matt spoke.

"Do what?" I asked, confused.

"Bite your lip," He told me as if it was obvious. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, pizza's ready!" Jade chirped happily.

"Oh, thank the Jade!" I threw my arms up in the air dramatically.

We all walked into the rundown kitchen. It had white walls, black and white checkered tile floor, and steel counters. The only thing that looked healthy was the pizza.

"Jade, your pizza looks so good," I felt my mouth watering at the sight of it.

"Don't judge a book by it's cover," Matt muttered behind me. I rolled my eyes.

"In this case, it's don't judge a pizza by it's cheese," I rolled my eyes again. He let out a throaty chuckle.

I grabbed a pizza right out of the box. I took a big bite out of it. My eyes widened.

This is amazing.

"Oh. My. Gosh." I gasped. My butt started shaking to the tune playing in my head.

I'm gonna pop some tags,

I only got 20 dollars in my pocket,

Before I knew it, I was dancing all around the kitchen, waving the pizza around, and dancing like a fool. Jade and Matt looked at me like I was crazy because they didn't hear any music.

This is why I sit down when I eat good food.

"Uh...Adri? I hope you know there's no music playing..." Jade spoke with a cautious tone, watching my every move.

"This is what happens when I eat good food while standing up," I spoke, and waved the pizza up in the air before hopping to the side.

Matt put the pizza in his mouth cautiously, watching my every move. His expression changed from that look you give hobos that twerk on a wall, to a face of pleasure. I don't know how, but we both started dancing like fools.

We jumped up in the air, and did that man bump thing, and pretended we were man bumping in slow motion. Jade started laughing at our ridiculous dance moves, and I ran out of pizza. I sagged my shoulders.

"I'm going to grab some more, guys," I walked over to the pizza box to find it empty. "AHH!" I screamed, then punched the counter furiously.

"Jade, give me those three pizzas you have left in your hands," I walked over to her, and spoke in a low, but scary voice. She cowered away slightly.

"I-I can't. It's for the drunk dude," She spoke with so much fear. My face softened up.

"I'm sorry! I-I've never been like that about food. Jade, you've got a talent," I backed away from her quickly. She looked relieved.

"Now I know for sure," She breathed.

"Yes, you do Jade," Matt butted in.

"Hey, did you guys notice how every place and everything still works? And every shop is left open. It's like everyone just fled without a care," I thought out loud. Jade's face scrunched up in confusion.

"Yeah, they were supposed to leave everything running for us," Jade looked at me weirdly.

"What? Wait, how did people know we'd be staying here?" I asked.

"Didn't you hear what the news said? They said that our local spaceship didn't have enough room for seven people because they ran out of materials or something, so they had to make it smaller than the other ships around the world. They said to leave everything running and open for the seven people that would be stuck here for however long. But you found out about one to two weeks, so were okay for a while. The day everyone was going to depart, NASA picked a few certain people to stay on Earth waiting. I wasn't selected, but my...they forced me to stay here, and they told them not to take me when they come back. So I ran away, crying. And then I found you, and I didn't care that I didn't like you at the time, I was scared, and needed someone. And apparently, you're my best friend now. You're the only one that's ever cared for me in my life even though we barely know each other, and that you hated me. I guess I should thank you now...so thank you," She smiled with tears in her eyes threatening to fall.

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