Chapter 12: StubBORN

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Fiona's POV

Marshall was kinda staring at me during breakfast, it was a little weird... No biggie!

It's nine now, I should probably head home. Cake should be expecting me, plus I need to drop off LSP's book that Gumball gave me to give to him a while back.

"Need to go bunny..?" Marshall asked out of the blue.

It's really starting to annoy me that he can do that.

"Yeah, I kinda have a long day." I say sticking out my tongue. Why do I get stuck with all of this boring stuff all the time, nothing cool happens in Aaa anymore. Meh... I got up and put my empty plate in the sink, and headed upstairs to collect my things. Today IS going to be longer than needed. I can just feel it. I put all my things in my bag, not including what I need to wear. I remove all of Marshall's borrowed clothes and fold them neatly on his bed, and change.

Time to head off!

Grabbing my bag I give the vampire a quick hug, maybe a little too quick for my liking. I say my good byes and am out the door with a wave. It's a busy day, let's begin!!!

3rd POV

Fiona headed out the door and was hidden beyond the trees in a blink of an eye. I guess that's why they call it the "Dark Forest." That and because no matter what time I day it was always dark, and you always have that weird eerie feeling walking through the woods. Even the toughest adventurer got that feeling.It didn't scare her, it was just... Weird.Exiting the woods, the girl lost he sight for about half a second. The light was really bright, being in a cave all day makes you really forget what the sun looks like. Heading to the tree house she hears a cry for help, familiar to her ears.

"Let go~" The male voice crys.

"Huh..? Gumball...?" Fiona talks to herself.

"GUMBALL!" She darts to the sound of the cry. She finds the Ice Queen baring in her arms none other than Gumball. Fiona draws her sword.

"What the junk Ice Queen?! Don't you understand that these princes DON'T LIKE YOU!" The last part being a fact for sure.

"It's completely unfair! You get all the babes!" Her raspy voice echoed in the empty fields. Fiona ran to the queen only to have her left leg caught in an ice block, and trips.

"Ugh!" The human groans to herself as the stabs the ice with her sword. Being careful not to cut herself in the process.

Fiona breaks the ice and sprints to catch up to the floating queen.

"Let him go!" She yells to her.

"No never! He's mine!" The Ice queen replies.

Fiona jumps up, quite high for a human actually, and grabs on to Gumball. She rips the grip from Gumball, and starts to fall down with him in her arms.

Not good.

To his surprise the pink prince fell not so badly, quite comfy actually. Turns out he landed on Fiona.

Well a knocked out Fiona that is...

"Fiona!!" Gumball yelled shaking the girl underneath him. No use, she was out cold. The Prince is not what you would call 'strong'. So lifting a 100 pound girl or so, does not come easy to him as it does to her. Adrenaline kicked in as he raced to the Candy Kingdom with the girl in his arms. Her hair fell beautifully on her rosy red cheeks. Her eyes shut softly, placing her lashes on her face, her mouth slightly a gap. Softly breathing, as if in a slumber. She truly was a princess in waiting. She was almost fit to be royalty. Flawless complexion, and a wonderful personality that everyone in Aaa adored. She pretty much was already royalty because everyone knew her so well, a tiara would just be a decoration to her. But it's not like she needed it, or even wanted it. In her mind everything was perfect the way it was. But sooner or later she did need someone to be perfect with. The choice wouldn't come easy either. Her crush for the pink prince lasted a long while. Just imagine what would happen if someone said no to being with her. It would take more than ever for her to get or even find someone new. In other words...

This. Girl. Is. Stubborn.

She puts the 'born' in stubborn. She was basically born with that trait.

Hopefully someday some Prince-

Better yet King, would find that trait love able...


Oh ho ho what do we have here, maybe a little foreshadowing... Hum!

Heehee yeah I bet you can guess where I'm going with this but we shall see what happens when she wakes up!

Also I want to thank everyone who has voted, commented, and followed, my story. Means a lot! Annnnd I just checked the list and I'm number 19 on the list of Fiolee stories!!! Holy cow guys thanks! Many reads too!!

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