Harry convinced me to eat two pieces of toast and half a banana. It was late afternoon and the sun was setting early like it usually did in the winter. I could see light peaking through the closed blinds in the kitchen. He sat patiently beside me as I ate. When a single crust from the bread remained on the plate, Harry gave in. He got me the pills and I swallowed them quickly.

"I'm going to get in the shower," I told him.

Harry put my plate in the sink and walked me to the bathroom. I leaned against the bathroom counter as I watched Harry get me a towel and turn the shower on. He walked over to me and rubbed his hand up and down my upper arm. "Call for me if you need anything."

"Thanks, Harry."

Steam swirled around me as I stepped in the shower. I flinched under the hot water. I watched as my skin turned red as a result of the temperature. After several moments, the water felt soothing, not irritating. The heat numbed the pain in my head and all of the frustration I had been feeling.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, the conversation I had with Louis was causing me some trouble. I had promised Louis that I would speak to Harry about everything I had been feeling. I hadn't yet done that. I felt guilty for leaving Harry in the dark. I knew Louis was right about me needing to be upfront with Harry.

When all of the conditioner was rinsed from my hair, I turned the water off and leaned against the cold tile of the shower. I squeezed the remaining water out of my hair and stepped from the shower and wrapped the towel around me.

There was a knock on the bathroom door. "Yes?" I asked hesitantly.

"Sorry to bother you, love. I left my phone on the counter. Can I come in and get it?"

"One second!" I called. I dropped the towel to the floor and pulled on the clean clothes Harry had set out for me. When I tugged the t-shirt over my head, I glanced at the counter and saw Harry's phone. I picked it up and took it to the door.

"Hey," Harry said when I opened the door. "Did the shower help?"

I handed him the phone. "A little."

Harry tucked the phone in his front pocket and stepped closer to me. He turned me around and guided me back into the bathroom. The room was hot and humid from the shower. Carefully, Harry stopped me in front of the mirror. He reached around and picked up a hairbrush.

"Harry, I have a headache." I knew what he was going to do and I tried to stop him.

"I'll be gentle," he promised.

For several minutes, Harry cautiously brushed my hair. He smoothed the tangles. His fingers chased the brush though my locks. His hand was steady as he held the brush. He knew pulling too hard on my hair would heighten the pain my headache was already causing me. His care for me was so evident with each stroke of the brush.

"There," he whispered. Harry set the brush down and looked in my eyes through the mirror.

"Thank you," I whispered back.

Harry watched as I left the bathroom and went straight back to his bed. I tried to ignore the frown on his face. He leaned against the bathroom doorframe as I settled into the mess of sheets and pillows.

"I thought you might want to watch a film with me. We could take it easy tonight."

"I'm really tired." I hoped I sounded convincing.

"Of course, love." He walked to my side of the bed and leaned over me. I felt his lips meet my forehead for a moment before he stood up again. "Feel better." 

How It's Going To Be [h.s.]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ