Chapter 04- dark secrets

Start from the beginning

"Hey stop, stop-" Haani stirred up from his sleep and came rushing to her side. Placing his hands over her shoulders he pleaded her silently to lay back down. She followed his request and relaxed back, not once leaving his tired eyes. She saw genuine concern and hurt flash in them. As if he felt her pain through his body.

"Where's Annum?" She asked him in a dry voice. He stared at her blankly before replying. "She's fine. Downstairs somewhere in the house," he informed her softly. She looked back at him with glassy eyes. Silently asking him to explain it out to her.

"When you called, I took my cue on guessing something was wrong. I reached your house in time to catch this guy dragging your sister. I saw red but he was easy, with a few punches he was down like a dead man." He let out a sarcastic laugh but soon stopped as if to swallow down some hurt. "I saw you laid unconscious on the floor with bruises as far as my sight and your clothes allowed me to see. So, I brought you here." he silently yet painfully finished.

His last sentence made her cheeks turn scarlet with embarrassment. Sanari looked down at herself to inspect. she wasn't wearing her same clothes, though she still had a headscarf on. "Who-" she wanted to ask him but couldn't find suitable words to voice her questions. But by now Haani could read her like an open book. "Your sister and the doctor took care of fixing you up." He answered her confusion. To which she seemed to relax a bit.

He had a chance of seeing her. A very convenient chance indeed. Where Sanari wouldn't have been able to point a blaming finger at him. And he wouldn't have had to carry on with his sick game of getting her married to him. But with the incident that had just happened, he totally forgot about their proposition. And at the time taking advantage of her, when she laid almost dead and cold in his embrace, seemed the last thing he ever wanted to do on earth. He didn't ever stoop that low. At such a thought, his heart tugs at him.

"What happened to Behlul?" She asked again. "In the police custody." He answered with venom reeking his voice. At this, her eyes widened. "They won't investigate you, I handled that. However, they did investigate your sister, she didn't give in much. I wonder why." Sanari trusted Annum on keeping them safe.

"Thank you." She gratefully glanced at him. At her words, he gave her a genuine smile and got up to leave. "I'm sending up food, so you can take the medications. And informing your sister that you're awake..." he spoke in the doorway and left.


"They're just going to charge him of breaking in and assaulting, and then they'll let him go. " Annum blankly made a statement with the spoon halfway to her mouth.

"I know," Sanari answered her zoned out sister, reaching forward to shake her back to reality. Annum shook her head violently.

"No, Sana you don't know. You don't know that if he's out there we are unsafe. The next time he gets a chance at us, we are good as dead and you know that." Annum all but yelled back at her sister.

"Shhhh- " Sanari hissed at her. "I know all that already, I know. But you do realise if we give a statement against him to the cops, we're both dead meat the next moment." That shut her up and she lowered her head in defeat. "Anu you have got to trust me. Our safety is important I do realise that. Give me time to think things through and I'll fix everything. Please..." She nodded back in understanding. However, doubting if her sister could fix things anymore.

Thoughts of the proposition ran through Sanari's head. If she'd accept Haani Fateen's proposal, she can keep them both safe and secure. He was a man who had connections most certainly. And only being within his shade seemed to be safe from Behlul's odour even. But was she really going to give in to a crude beast while in an attempt to run away from another?

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