Chapter 15

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"How are things going with you and John?" Frank asked as he took a bite of his food.

He had asked Audrey to meet him for lunch to discuss the next stage of the plan.

"Excellent. Tonight is the premiere of the film."

"I'm assuming you will be there?"

"Yes." she said as she took a sip of her water.

Audrey was very aware of Frank staring at her as she continued eating. She finally looked up at him.

"Something wrong?"

"No." he chuckled. "Why do you ask?"

"You...keep staring at me." she replied.

"I like looking at you Audrey. You're still quite beautiful. You've grown into that beauty since I first met you."

Despite his compliment, Audrey felt anything but beautiful...being there with Frank only made her feel cheap and dirty. His mere presence, the one that had at one point in time made her feel glamorous and envied only brought back a life of hurt and regret.

"You still don't take compliments very well, do you?" Frank laughed a bit as he leaned back in his chair.

Audrey shrugged.

"So this movie premiere...everyone will be there?"

"Who do you mean by everyone?" Audrey asked.

"I don't know...everyone that's involved with the project."

"I suppose."

"The Beatles?"

"Of course."

"Their wives too?"

"John is the only one who is married." Audrey replied. "But I suppose the others will bring dates."

Frank nodded.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Just trying to make a bit of light conversation. You seem tense and have hardly spoken a word unless I ask you a specific question. You used to be such a lively girl when I first met you."

Audrey put her fork down and looked directly at Frank.

"I'm sure I don't need to explain why I'm not the same girl you met years ago."

"Things could have been so different, Audrey." Frank said as he leaned in and covered Audrey's hand with his. "You were the one who made it difficult for yourself. I could have given you everything you ever wanted. In fact, I did...but it was you. You wanted to return to a life that didn't offer you anything...a life that made you feel divided...I made you whole. You and me, Audrey...we...we had something. Why did you have to ruin it? Why did you have to walk away from it? It would have been so easy if you would have just come back to me..."

"Can I come back now?" Audrey asked.


Brian had arranged for the girls to go to the premiere of the movie at the London Pavilion. Audrey and the girls had made sure to arrive early, knowing that once the Beatles themselves showed up, things would become even more hectic. Even with their early arrival, the streets were absolutely crowded with fans trying to get a glimpse of the group. Things got even worse when the Beatles' limo finally arrived through all the people.

All four Beatles waved and smiled to the crowd, making the screams rise as they did. Pattie and Audrey were waiting by the entrance. The first thing that Audrey noticed as she saw everyone filing inside the Pavilion, was that John was accompanied by his wife, Cynthia. Audrey had seen her in pictures before, but seeing her in person brought a knot in her stomach that she hadn't expected.

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