Chapter 14

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"Another drink, Miss?" Audrey's thoughts were interrupted by the bartender picking up her empty glass.

"Yes...please." Audrey forced a smile as her thoughts wandered again.

"I...I don't want to be here anymore!" Audrey cried as she pulled away from Frank.

"I don't think you understand, don't really get a say in that." Frank said as he grabbed her by the arm and swung her clear across the room. Audrey toppled onto the floor, her body hitting the nightstand.

Frank knelt in front of her and forcefully kissed her. Audrey felt her tears falling from her cheek as Frank continued kissing her. She didn't respond to his kiss, but she was too afraid to push him away.

"Oh Audrey..." Frank said with a sweetness in his voice as he stroked the side of her face. "I don't like treating you this know I don't, but when you misbehave, I don't have any other choice." he said.

"You could let me go." Audrey said looking up at him with pleading eyes. "Please, Frank...I just...want to go home."

Frank's face turned cold and he dropped his hand from Audrey's cheek. "The home you so desperately wanted to get away from?" he asked. "Didn't you ask me to help you get away from that house? Isn't that what I did? Didn't I give you a home here with me...and everything you could possibly want?" Frank replied upset as he got to his feet. "You ungrateful little bitch."

"Frank...I know what I asked you...and I do appreciate everything you've done for me....everything you've given me, but..."

"But what?"

Audrey looked at Frank, absolutely terrified. She wanted to tell him that he wasn't the man she thought he was when she first met him. That she didn't know who she was getting mixed up with...that she couldn't be with someone who'd have another human being killed...but she was too afraid for her life to say that.

"...I don't want to stay here anymore." Audrey said softly.

" don't want to stay here anymore." Frank said as he violently pulled her to her feet so she was standing in front of him.

"Frank...I..." Audrey stumbled on her words.

"No....I get want to leave...go back to your old life, is that it?"

Audrey nodded.

"Okay." he said.

Audrey's eyes widened, a sense of hope having returned to her.

"There's just one thing, sweet Audrey." Frank said with a cynical smile on his face. "I've spent too much of my time and money on you to just simply...let you go. So....if you really want to go, you're going to have to pay me back every.. single...shilling I spent on you."

"I will, Frank...I can get a job and I promise to pay you back everything..." Audrey said.

Frank chuckled. "'ll need a job, that pays very well...and I'm going to help you out with that."

"You are?"

"Yes..." he said as he once again leaned in to kiss Audrey, this time soft and gentle. "Oh Audrey...I never wanted you for this kind of work...when I first saw you, I wanted you for my woman...but seeing as you don't want that for yourself...then you might as well be one more of the bunch...." he began as he caressed her neck and shoulder with his hand. " more girl who uses her body..." he continued taking his hands down to her waist "in order to get ahead in this business...." Frank pulled Audrey close to him. "..this body of yours...which has brought me such pleasures will now become community property...but not before I enjoy it one last time." he smiled as he pushed her onto the bed.

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