Chapter 13

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Audrey was nervous as she walked behind Pattie down the hall and to the elevator. She kept thinking back to last night. She should have never allowed herself to be weak; she should have refused Ringo's advances, but her flesh had been weak and although she and Ringo had not had sex, they had established their attraction to one another last night. This made Audrey frustrated with herself.

"You alright?" Pattie asked noticing Audrey's pensive state.

"Yeah." She smiled.

When they got to the film studio, Pattie and Audrey took a seat at the table.

"Why are we even here? We've not been filmed since the train scene." Audrey wondered aloud as she saw the crew working on the set.

"Well, you know they said we're supposed to serve as extras." Pattie said.

"I'm sure they could find extras at a drop of a hat." Audrey said a bit put off.

"What's going on? Why are you in such a sour mood?"

Audrey sighed. "'s just one of those days..."

"Something happen?" Pattie asked.

"No...I'm just a bit irritable, that's all."

It wasn't long before the Beatles and the rest of the crew came onto the set. Ringo smiled at Audrey and immediately came over to her, with George walking right behind him. John, on the other hand stayed back, quickly glancing at Audrey before focusing his attention on Paul.

"Good morning." Ringo said sitting next to her.

"Hi." She smiled with shyness.

It was rare for Audrey to feel timid around a man, but Ringo seemed to have that effect on her. In comparison to things she had done with a man, last night with Ringo had been child's play- there was absolutely no reason for her to feel shy, but she had also never really had feelings for a man like the ones she felt for Ringo...not even with Frank.

Ringo chuckled slightly when he saw Audrey begin to blush. "I thought we were keeping it casual." he remarked.

"We are." Audrey confirmed quickly.

Ringo leaned in. "There's no need to feel embarrassed about what happened last night. I can think of a lot more things we could do together that would really make you blush." He winked.

"Casual...remember!" Audrey laughed nervously.

Ringo laughed and put his hands up in defense. "It was just a thought..."

"Ringo...George...we're ready on set." One of the crew members called out to them.

"Right." Ringo nodded. "I'll see you a bit later, then." Ringo said as both he and George walked back.

Audrey looked at John, but he avoided making direct eye contact with her. Something was wrong. Something had happened last night between John and Ringo; she was sure of it. What had John and Ringo talked about? She needed to know.


Audrey had tried to talk to John in private throughout the day, but any time they stopped filming, Ringo would immediately approach Audrey, making it difficult to address her doubts about what had actually been discussed at the bar last night. She didn't want to bring it up to Ringo before talking to John first. It wasn't until later that afternoon, when Ringo was called on set without the others, that Audrey finally had her chance to speak with John.

"Hey..." she said as she walked up to him.

"Hi Audrey." John said uneasy.

"I need to talk to you."

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