Stitches by Shawn Mendes

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^^mY liTtlE pUppy caLuM!!!!! <3

Natalie Caniff


"You so lucky you get to have her! If you hurt her 1. You lose bad and 2. I WILL kick your ass!" I told Luke making him and Nessa blush. And If it couldn't have been better the door bell rang, I walked to the door making sure to do the 'I'm watching you face' to Luke behind Nessa back. Soon enough I opened the door ready to see the Best, Best Friend and BoyFriend who I could ever ask for.



"Hey" Sean says while he was on the floor on his knee with a rose in his head.

Riley Gutierrez

So after Eric and I finished taking our pictures with my mom we got into the limo and drove to the Daniel household. Once we got there we picked up Bree and Jake her boyfriend she met the night Luke and Nessa banged. But, if i HAVE to say her new boy-toy was PRETTY hot. So After we picked them up we went over to Natalie's house, to pick her,Sean,Luke and Nessa up. I still wonder who pays for Natalie's bills and her house. When ever we ask her she says it's just her brother who is on business, right now. Now to think of it, I don't know anything about Natalie's family or her Last Name! Even Nessa's family they usually try to skip over it when ever were together.

My thoughts were interrupted by Bree screaming "ITS YOUR SONG RI!!!" Turning up Stitches by Shawn Mendes   
God I love that kids voice.........

As we pulled up to Natalie's  house we saw a large black van/truck in the driveway.

"Who's that?" Bree asked with a look of straight up confusion spread across her face. "No Clue" Eric said with the same look. "Well let's go get them shall we?" Jake said making Eric roll his eyes. I chuckled silently while I hit him on his chest.  We all walked out of the gorgeous limo. I knocked on the fore and soon enough, they opened it.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Well I haven't posted in like a month and I left you guys with a Cliff Hanger. I'm just the best aren't I!!! ;)))). Working on the next chapter right now! Should be up by tomorrow :-)

Also J missed a bunch of thing whilst I was 'gone'

-I met Taylor Caniff 🔥❤️
-I went to an Ariana Grande Concert💖✨
- Michael Clifford (my kitten) turned 20 :-(  and Died his hair Red again!!!!🔥:-D
-Shawn Mendes did a collaboration  with Camila Cabello :()
-Luke Hemmings got a girlfriend and I think dumped her ;-)
-Sounds Good  Feels Good came out
-Calum Hood Started painted his nails Black 💖👄
-I've started to listen to Twenty One Pilots and really like them...
-I got older on the 25th of October
-I cut my hair :-()

^^^the last two are irrelevant :-)
heh heh heh!

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