Sean-E-Boy (contined)

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"Of course.........Your ---"

Natalie's p.o.v.

"Of course.........Your Amazing!" Sean tells me making me blush instantly.

"Your Nice Sweet, Beautiful, Smart, Strong! And the list still goes on!" He chuckled

"Strong?" I say confused

"You think I didn't see you when that bitch, Jessie would pick on you? Or how she would shove you, pull your hair, She slapped you once!" He tells me

I just look down.

"You are also considerate!!! I have been going to this school for about 4 years! Only about 10 people have tried to socialize with me, They would leave after me only saying like 2 words to them. They would stop trying after the like second day. You stayed......You didn't care how I didn't talk. You liked my pictures didn't leave." he said

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt a tear hit my lip

"N-No one has ever noticed me that much....L-Let alone said anything that s-sweet!" I chuckled wipe his tears from my face.

"Well, then they are idiots." he chuckled hugging me, as we pulled away he looked me in the eyes and said

"You really are amazing Natalie. I know else only met like 2 weeks ago but that's long enough fore me to know how amazing you are."

I just looked him in the eye and didn't reply. Soon enough I looked from his eyes to his lips. Mine being slightly parted. It was a matter of seconds before I felt, the softness of his lips against mine. As we pulled away I looked up to him with a smile, which made me smile. I felt as if all my problem were gone. He took my Breath, and my problems away. There was no Shawn, Taylor, Lex, Jessie , not even Hayes,Aaron, Matt, Nessa or Riley and them.
Just Me and Sean.

And I loved it. I was disturbed by my thoughts as Sean spoke up.

"N-Nat w-will you b-be my Best Friend and m-maybe Girlfriend? ONLY IF YOU W-WANNA!!" He blushed

"Of course Sean! I would love to be your Girlfriend!" I hugged him.

"As for best friend, I was gonna be that even if you didn't want me" I chuckled pulling away

"Who wouldn't want you?" He chuckled

"Quite a few people....Actually!" I laughed

"First your Laugh is so cute."

"And Second, they are ShitHeads you are so amazingly amazing!" He chuckled making me laugh

"No I'm serious!!! You are amazing!" He told me making me blush
As we were holding hands as we were walking back the bell rang.

"See you later Sean-E-Boy!" I told him

"Okay, Bye Nattie!" He said as he pecked my cheek making me laugh

As I got my book from my locker and was walking to class Riley comes up to me and says

"So you and Sean"

"Shut up" I giggled as we walked into class.


Shawn and Natalie= Shatalie
Sean and Natalie= Nean

Which one?

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