Chapter 8: Astrid unseen

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My sister was getting closer and closer to my door, and I didn't know what to do. I knew that my sister knew that I could change into a animal and I didn't know what else to do. All I could think of was barricade the door, but I knew that wouldn't work. So all I did was hide under my bed and hope that Sarah wouldn't see me.

"Knock knock, Astrid are you in there, ok Tina blow down the door",with a crash I hear the door being blown down. "WHAT WAS THAT" my mom yelled. My sister just ignored mom yelling at her. "Let's look for her, come on" Sarah said still ignoring my mom. "What about your mom" Tina asked before starting the search for me. "We'll deal with her if she interferes with my, I mean our plan" my sister said probably drunk with power. "Now let's start looking, the more time we waste the less time we have for our plan" Sarah said.

As they searched I was as quiet as a mouse. "GOSH where is my stupid little sister"!!! "The only place we haven't looked is under the bed so I will look" Tina said starting to get a little bit scared of my sister.

When Tina started to kneel down, I knew I was a goner, she knelt down to my level and stared right at me. "Do you see anything, I mean anyone" my sister asked hopefully. "No nothing and wow under this bed it is really clear and clean" Tina said. "What, are you kidding me, she has to be under there" my sister said as she started to look under my bed. "WHERE is she, WHERE is she" my sister yelled after she looked under the bed. She must have went out the window, let's go look for her" Tina said still a little scared of my sister.

I knew that they had left my room because I heard mom yelling at them from downstairs. My mom was really yelling at them,but after a while my mom stopped yelling in the middle of her sentence. Once I heard the door shut, I started to get out of under my bed. "Are there blind, how did they not see me, what ever the reason is I don't care I just got to get out of here" I said talking to myself. "Still weird though, but that doesn't matter now, what matters is saving the gems" I said still talking to myself.

I started to move to the window, as I stated to get out the window I looked a my mirror to see what happened to me. When I looked in the mirror I saw nothing I was not there I was invisible. As I looked in the mirror, I screamed so loud that the whole block could hear me. "What, how did this happen" I screamed looking at nothing in the mirror, where I was supposed to be.

To be continued


*Hey guys this is crazycatgirl20 and I just want to tell you sorry this chapter is so short. Next chapter will be longer, just needed to tell you this if you were wondering. This is not part of the story by the way. Well that's it for me, please comment or like this chapter, BYE!*

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