Chapter 5: The hard life of a fox

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"How did I do this I didn't even touch my gem and I don't think of an animal. Wait I think I know how to change back I said reaching for my gem. All I have to do is think of myself and then I'll change back".

       Before I could do anything, I heard the sound of footsteps in the distance. "Astrid, Astrid where are you Astrid" I heard the voice of my sister in the distance. I heard my sisters voice get louder and louder, then I seen her standing in the distance. I tried to think of what to do, but before I thought I shouted. "I'm over here Sarah please come help me" I shouted not thinking. She looked over her shoulder and spotted me sitting under a tree, at first I thought she didn't see me. Then she came running over to me shouting "there you are Astrid I've been looking for you".

When she came over to me she knelt down to my level. "Astrid how did you do that it was amazing" she said strangely acting nice. "Was it the cool gem necklace you got" she asked, I nodded. "Amazing and Astrid can you change back or even talk" she asked having a strange tone in her voice. I shuck my head no, unsure of what she was talking about.

"Good now I can do this", she reached her hand out and pulled my gem off my neck. "Oh Astrid I'm not sorry I'm doing this, this necklace will get me power and money".

          Before she could leave I jumped up and grabbed my gem out of her hand. I ran as fast as I could I ran all the way to school, went under the fence and ran all the way to the rock.

      I looked behind me to see if Sarah had followed me. When I seen she was not there I put my gem to the rock and started to run down the stairs. When I got to the gem room I seen Andrea, Windy, Eve, Sunny, and Luna sitting around the table.

When I seen them I jumped up on to the table so if the gems didn't see me on the floor they would see me now.

"Ahh how did this beast get down here, the door is supposed to be locked" screamed Luna. "Let's get this beast out of the gem room and away from me" cried Sunny start to pick me up. "Stop this is not a beast it is our friend" Andrea said stopping Sunny from picking me up.

"It might be your friend Andrea but I don't like beasts so if you don't mind I will get this beast out of here" Sunny said. "Ok if you think Astrid is a beast and should be kicked out of here then do it" Andrea said happily. "What this is not Astrid this is a beast" Eve said not believing Andrea.

        "Ok if this is not Astrid then why does she have Astrid's gem in her mouth" . "Astrid could have dropped her necklace, this beast found ,it hit the rock and came down here" windy said. "Really do you think that happened instead of Astrid turning into a red fox".

        "Well I didn't do it on purpose I was running from my sis and something happened to me" I said. "Really that's what happened, Astrid why were you running from Your sister" Eve asked. "Wait you guys can here me, how is that possible". "Well remember when I was a cat you could hear me that's how I knew you are a gem. Only gems can hear other gems when in animal form" Andrea said. "That's why my sister could not understand me" I said.

"Yes but before we chat we must change you back to normal" Windy said grabbing me gem out of my mouth and putting on my neck. "Ok Astrid now hold your gem in your hands ah-ah paw and think of yourself in human form". "Ok" I did as Andrea said and held my necklace and thought things about myself.

       With a flash of light, I look down and seen I was back to normal. "Thank you thank you thank you, oh my gosh thank you so much" I said happy to be back. "Good now Astrid what did you mean you were running from your sister and she could not understand you" Luna asked. 

         "Well I was talking to my sister trying to scare her off but it went wrong. I was running from her and I think she saw me change into a red fox. Also she tried to take my gem but I got it of her hand, and I ran all the way here".

         "Wait what do you mean she tried to take your gem and are you sure that your sister didn't fallow you"? "Well she wanted my gem and why do you ask"? "Because of that", Windy pointed at the doorsteps, I turned around and seen my sister in the doorway.

To be continued

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